Phil Davis...whoooo.

 That youngster is NO JOKE.

He snapped that choke on INSTANTLY, and the fight was over 3 seconds later.

His striking needs work, but at least he doesn't make any bones about who he is and stand and wang.

An aggressive wrestler who aggressively pursues and hits submissions is going to be a lot of trouble for a lot of people.

 did not bode well he had such a hard time with the takedown tho....

 not sure I agree.

He took zero punishment even though it took him a minute to get the takedown.

He should train with GSP.

 that swede gave him some serious trouble in the td department but that was a great choke/roll

I'm impressed with the progress he's made so far. I just seen him fight less than a year ago in Pittsburgh, and he's improved a lot since then.

He has the most powerful build at 205 and good technical wrestling. His TD's are really lacking the explosion that you'd expect. Don't get me wrong, dude is a tank, and is really good. You'd hope that he would progress in his MMA wrestling as GSP did.

I was surprised he pulled that choke of so seamlessly. Every 205er is gonna be scared to fight this guy in about 18 months.

^that fight was at welterweight wasn't it?

barbarian - ^that fight was at welterweight wasn't it?

Davis vs the Swede was a LHW fight. Davis weighed 204.

wow... watching it yesterday they looked tiny to me. weird.

I don't think that Davis' takedowns were sloppy. It was probably more due to the fact that Gustafsson trains with really good swedish wrestlers

^^true, Gusta trained his takedown defense and it showed..but still eventually a guy like Davis will take you down...Gusta didnt stand much of a chance in this fight...its just very hard to fight a guy like davis unless you great from your back and not too many 205ers are...Davis is already a huge threat to 95% of the 205ers out there..

goku -  did not bode well he had such a hard time with the takedown tho....

^ Yeah Rogan made some ridiculous comment like Davis's takedowns were the best in all of MMA. Umm...NO.

But Rogan also says the same thing every time GSP fights. The difference is, GSP's takedowns ARE the best.

Not that impressed with Davis. Dude lacks athleticism and explosiveness. Yeah, I said it, so what, ya wanna fight about it?

 dominating performance.

Davis = for real