photo of GSP & Diaz after weigh ins

Already posted this. Just sayin :) Phone Post

UGCTT_whoreymcdonald - 

Come on now. I'm supposed to want to see Diaz get smashed, and then he goes and does something like this?

There's a reason the UFC won't use pics like this on their poster.

Good on Nick. Phone Post

By pretty much every fans account Nick is a nice guy to the fans that has never been in question to most people. He is eratic and often anti social toward media and other fighters but from pretty much every fan that has met him they say he is a real nice guy.

after fight!

^ I fucking knew it was the same kid! Lol. Phone Post

^heh yeah its like back to the future. GSP as an adult meets himseld as a kid and the world explodes.

lookoutawhale -

^heh yeah its like back to the future. GSP as an adult meets himseld as a kid and the world explodes.

As long as he doesn't nearly fuck him like Marty McFly and his mother... Then it's all good! Phone Post

GSP left the post fight conference early so he could get to the montreal clock tower before lighting struck it.