photo of GSP & Diaz after weigh ins

GSP looking intimidated!!!! Phone Post

whoops seems someone else posted this before fuck all you haters that keep on saying GSP is too big for WW.

That's awesome. Phone Post

GSP via KO Phone Post

GSP looks Pampered up. Pampers Cruisers.

VTFU Awesome

ShaqNoob - GSP looks Pampered up. Pampers Cruisers.

"erouac - fuck all you haters that keep on saying GSP is too big for WW."



Come on now. I'm supposed to want to see Diaz get smashed, and then he goes and does something like this?

There's a reason the UFC won't use pics like this on their poster.

Good on Nick. Phone Post

That's pretty awesome.

That is adorable!

i guess i was wrong..gsp is looking more confident and not as scared as he did previously...

i guess i was wrong..gsp is looking more confident and not as scared as he did previously...

Now where is the pic of GSP and little Nick Diaz? Phone Post

They should use that pic for Nick's next promo photo. Phone Post

I predict GSP beats Nick's legs to a pulp.

Check out this photo of GSP and Diaz.  

Just kidding, Diaz is too important to meet children when there are naps to be had.

Anderson's BBC in my Goku - 

i guess i was wrong..gsp is looking more confident and not as scared as he did previously...

Man you just really seem to get off on accusing fighters of being scared...


What is your self esteem issue that causes this? Were you neglected as a child? Bullied? Small penis?

I never understood the roids accusations before the OP. That dude is clearly on HGH Phone Post