Pic of the Ellenberger death stare

I know I'm not the only one that saw this. Just before they were announcing the winner of the main event, the camera was on Ellenberger and he gave the biggest cut eye / death stare to mazzagatti and/or kampmann.
Pic or gif please? Phone Post

Over 300 views and still no picture?! Come on UG! Phone Post

that's the marine corps stare.

? marks. how the fuck do they work.

It's called the Thousand yard stare

hmb - ? marks. how the fuck do they work.
Do you not see a ? at the end of my post.. Phone Post

you can't even understand what I am talking about. lets just say, "you're special"

hmb - you can't even understand what I am talking about. lets just say, "you're special"
You're talking about the title. But I have one at the end of my post, so it negates your point. Phone Post

It was a look that said, "Boy, I can wrestle but it's a shame that when I was throwing 50 blows that I was unable to hit the side of a barn with even one of them".

He missed Kampman so much it was like Lucy was yanking the football from Charlie Brown.

It looked all aggressive and vicious as he clutched the cage with left hand and windmilled the right but NOTHING LANDED.

Great wrestler who felt he was a striker because he stopped Shields. Phone Post

lol. it negates your brain not my point.

Skip, your mom just came up for air, she said. Tell skip to go to bed. Sorry son. Time to get off the UG.

hmb - Skip, your mom just came up for air, she said. Tell skip to go to bed. Sorry son. Time to get off the UG.
Dude wtf is your problem? Do you just go around starting shit on UG? I make a thread asking for a pic and you act like a 10 year old, contributing absolutely nothing to this topic, real mature. Phone Post

MartialArtsMixed - that's the marine corps stare.
Knew he looked like he had tasted horse meat. Phone Post

lol. But can you see where people might get confused? The lack of the '?' in the title implies you already have the pic. And since there was already a thread on this..

nubp - lol. But can you see where people might get confused? The lack of the '?' in the title implies you already have the pic. And since there was already a thread on this..
Yeah. But no need to be a douche about it like hmb.
A lot of threads like these are made without question marks anyways.

Didn't see the other thread. Is there a pic of it there? Phone Post


Stop the bickering and post pic in question for the lol's Phone Post

In Phone Post

LOL @ anyone thinking that TRT is a miracle fat burner that leaves heavyweights shredded and fat free even if they don't train to burn the fat.


Some people shouldn't post opinions on forums.