Pic of Tito's damaged face


Blue namer?

Where is the pic of Gold Dragons damaged Randy West wannabe pic?

Or how about the pic of your damaged kickboxing record?

Or how about the pic of you looking down at your shoes after Big Bird turned you into a 15 year old girl?

How about some of those pics?


lol this thread is going to be good! Rubber "18 Inch Guns" Raw vs Gold "I am a karate blackbelt undefeated in kickboxing" Dragon. I can already see some challenges being thrown out.

He doesnt look that bad.

Well Buddy, I do have the pic of me and my boys running a train on your mom.

"I got fucked by Chuck"


From: GoldDragon
Date: 04/03/04 04:00 PM
Member Since: 01/01/2001
2371 Total Posts Ignore User

I got fucked by Chuck.


"I fucked Totalgaywreckage's Mom"

hey look at me my name is GoldDragon and Im a pussy.

"Well Buddy, I do have the pic of me and my boys running a train on your mom."

the_chief is gonna be pissed!

I give you permission to post my moms pic if you post your kickboxing record.


I am interested in seeing which version of Gold Dragon's fake kickboxing record he will now post.

From: GoldDragon
Date: 04/03/04 04:00 PM
Member Since: 01/01/2001
2371 Total Posts Ignore User

I got fucked by Chuck.


ttt for more exchanges

I think the "OWNED" thing is a bit disrespectful.

Would you walk up to Tito and show him that pic to his face?

what's the big deal...pics of Ken was posted after the match.....why dish it if you can't take it?

yeah no shit, why all of a sudden do "owned" pictures become disrespectful?