Pics of Couture's Conf & Contract

ttt for later

good job as usual, tracy

Granpa Writes:
"Honestly, IMO, Randy came off as a whiney bratt in his press conference. "boo hoo, I'm only making $750,000 a year, boo hoo hoo".
That's straight up what the UFC is paying him, you add endorsements, and the fame he got from the UFC that has allowed him to make movies now and do a number of other things and Randy is making a pretty good living thanks to the UFC.

I'm sorry, but I don't feel bad for him, not at all."

I always have to laugh at couch potatos who have never done anything in their lives more then brown nosing their boss to keep there 9-5 job who bitch about someon who worked their ass off to get where they are and make what less then 2 percent make.

If it were about money Randy would have taken the fight with Bodog. It is about respect and being treated like the top star in the company you know the guy who helped build the brand and stuck with you through the lean years and stayed loyal and became your biggest draw, great ambassador etc. etc. then he gets disrespected when they offer a challenger who has no drawing power more then his entire purse (when he is the reason people will be watching) just as a bonus. This among other things.

But then that is why less the 2 percent ever reach the height Randy has because they are unwilling to put in the hard work and take the chances that those who do make it put in.

I think that someone making "2 percent" of what Randy does has every reason in the world to complain about Randy saying he doesn't make enough, don't you?

All the other fighters in there are thinking

"Oh crap.. Dana White is going to cut me from the UFC!"

"Then go compare that percentage to every other sport. Boxing, NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL. The fighters get so much less, it is beyond disgraceful. Yeah, $750,000 sounds nice. But when that is a tiny, tiny percentage of the whole pie, it's still a rip off. "

Lets also compare the 50-150, 4- 5 hour games that these other athletes play per year.

Secondly, if you add up the ppv money, Randy is making between $1million and $1.6 million (not including bonuses and sponsorship) per fight. Multiply that by 3 and you have his annual salary. Not bad for doing something you love.

From: EvilMasterbater
Date: 10/27/07 02:55 PM
Member Since: 10/25/2007
2 Total Posts Ignore User

It amazes me how little clue some people have.

Look at how much revenue Zuffa brings in each event, between the gate, ppv buys, merch, and advertising. The add up what percentage of that total the fighters get. I have the numbers somewhere from a few shows ago, and it added up to well below half of the other sports split.

Then go compare that percentage to every other sport. Boxing, NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL. The fighters get so much less, it is beyond disgraceful. Yeah, $750,000 sounds nice. But when that is a tiny, tiny percentage of the whole pie, it's still a rip off.

The answers to 2 questions should put this mess to bed:

1) How much did Randy ask for in his contract when he signed it 8 months ago?


2) How much did Zuffa agree to pay him in the contract he signed with them 8 months ago???

Until evidence is produced that shows Zuffa VIOLATED the agreement they made with Randy 8 months ago you have nothing more than a fighter with buyers remorse.

For a guy who has admitted having problems with them from day one, it amazes me he would elect to negotiate a financial contract with them WITHOUT having an agent or attorney by his side (per Kim's public statement).

Randy negotiated his purse amount, win or lose.
Randy DIDN'T negotiate for a win bonus... his money was guaranteed, win or lose.
Randy negotiated an accelerating cut of the PPV revenue.

I have yet to see ANYTHING produced that shows Zuffa ripped this guy off in any way, shape or form.

It's buyers remorse, no matter how you slice it. If you replace Randy's name for ANYONE else in the UFC, 95% of you couldn't care less that the UFC is paying a guy 100% EXACTLY what they signed a contract for.


lol.. CindyO, UFC shill.

LOL! Don't read any IFL threads then;)

