Well after 3 days on the north side of the island..we still can't surf because the wind is just insane. We found a Royler Gracie Humaita jiu jitsu sign in front of a house by Foodland and knocked on the door to see if we can train there. Seems like no one was home for a while. Does anyone knows of a place between Hanalei and Ka'apa to train at?
Thanks...because the island fever is starting to creep in.
Go down to the southside of the island and try Poi-Pou (sp?) Beach. There's also a beach further west than that which has a nice little righthand break.
I just got back from Kauai myself. I knocked on the same door on Tuesday and no one home then either. There is an ADCC champ staying at the same hotel I was at in Ka'paa, but his there strictly on vacation.
"You should check out onzuka.com. They have some phone #s and stuff so that might help you out.
I believe that the Humaita in Hanalei is Bruno Ewalds; one of his blackbelts (Jared Espina) is teaching in Kapa'a also.
I used to train at Ka-mole in Kapa'a, but I think they relocated to the west side."
Go back to Bruno's around 6pm and there should be some guys start showing up, I have trained there a few times.
There is a group that meets at the Civic center in Kapa'a in the afternoon Tues and Thursday but I had a hard time tracking them down. There is a T-shirt shop in Kapa'a on the East side of the street and the woman's son teaches for Ka-mole.