Platypus on TUF?

TTThanks for the love please keep this up for me.

-signed a fellow UG minion.

Ttt Phone Post


 signed for sure!!!




Platypus -  Yeah I got a $1500 flat rate on ticket sales choked my guy out in 1:06 of the first and never got a call back. They said they "don't have a 145 lb division"... Well hopefully bigger and better things soon.
 keep working man... hopefully we will see u in "the show"


 signed, good luck

Signed!! Just dont get too drunk and cause the same fiasco you did with Carwin ;)!! Wish you all the best!

* Promises to not get past the point of no return.

^^^I bet you promised Shane you would keep your pants on in public as well, lol ;)


 *promises to do that again...





TTT for PlaTTypus on TTTUF!

TTT for 145 lb season of TUF!!!
Don't be blowing smoke BLAF I heard that conference CALL... Only thing missing was my invitation
Platypu$ = Ratings GOLD!
Pulsifer > kimbo FACT!


TTT for the Platypus

UG members who don't sign are sure to have the Cal put on them.

Do you want that?

Can you handle that?