Rochester Post Bulletin is doing an online survey about public opinion on MMA. let em know how we feel!

here is the link:

voted, and reposted on a different forum as well.


keep this one up guys!


Rochester Post Bulletin is doing an online survey about public opinion on MMA. let em know how we feel!

best, Jami

here is the link:

Rochester Post Bulletin

Voted. You guys wanted us to pick the gladiator fights one right? But seriously, do you know what this poll will be used for?


I agree, I thought all the choices were a bit flaky in some way. but still representin.



here is the link:

First, I would just like to say that I think that Minnesota has some really good MMA shows. (Including yours, Jami) But, I find it a bit humorous that you try to drum up all of this support for MMA and its legitamacy one minute, and you will do everything you can to destroy it the next.

My example: Whenever someone tries to put on a show in Minnesota (other than you), in an area that you think you own, you wil call fighters, venues, local authorities to try to get an event shut down. Sure, you will hide behind the "I am protecting MMA" banner, but you know it is because you cannot handle direct competition. You have single handedly gotten MMA banned in almost every venue in Rochester, MN (except where you promote) just to eliminate competition. So why play both sides?

I am sure this will turn into a flame war, and people will immediately try to jump in and make it so. But, this is directed to you, Jami. Without all of the hysterics and name calling, I would like to hear your answer to this. I know of other incidents involving you, but they had nothing to do with me so I don't feel the need to throw heresay at you.

This isn't meant as an attack. I think your shows are good for the sport here in Rochester. Definately good for the fans. I just don't understand why your views change so drastically when you face a little competition.

Chad Mason

PS Yes Jake, I know I am a scumbag, and you are the greatest announcer ever....And I am sure you will keep on typing that from behind your keyboard as well.

Red Wing bans ultimate fighting

Thu, Jan 25, 2007

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By Ben Pherson and Mike Klein

The Post-Bulletin 

Citing fears about public safety, Red Wing's City Council voted unanimously Monday to ban ultimate fighting.

It is among the few cities in Minnesota to do so. Fridley has a partial ban, and Spring Lake Park and West Saint Paul have a total ban, Red Wing officials said.

"It's something the city felt is not necessary in Red Wing," said Red Wing Police Chief Tim Sletten. "There's little regulation; it's a fight, and the chances of someone being injured are obvious. The city believes the public is at risk."

The sport, also known as mixed martial arts, features fighters inside a caged octagon or ring. Participants use forms of martial arts, including karate, judo, jiu-jitsu, boxing, kickboxing, wrestling and others, to defeat their opponents.

Sletten proposed the measure following recent ultimate fighting events at the National Guard Armory and Alibi bar in Red Wing. The police weren't called, but Sletten wants to take a proactive approach against an activity he feels is unsafe for participants, the people attending and even police officers.

Ultimate fighting events take place regularly in Rochester, but Olmsted County Sheriff Steve Borchardt said he has no problem with them, as long as they're properly administered, with medical resources on hand. He's not aware of rowdy behavior by fans.

"Sports are violent, and as long as the violence is controlled," they're OK, Borchardt said.

The ban essentially is a measure to prevent fly-by-night promoters, according to Jami Klair, who runs Ultimate Combat Sports, the organization that sponsors mixed martial arts events in Rochester.

Because there is no regulatory commission for mixed martial arts in Minnesota, fly-by-night promoters have free rein, Klair said after his latest event, Battle at the Barn 18, which drew more than 1,000 fans to the Olmsted County Fairgrounds.

"You get these guys who try to cut every cost, and that's what happened in Red Wing. They put up a cage in the bar, and there was 2 feet of clearance between the wall and the cage," Klair said. "Basically, they put on a bad show."

Klair said he hires professional, trained fighters for his shows, and every fighter must pass a physical to participate.

Klair said he had been paying two sheriff's deputies to attend each event, but when the sheriff's department said it would feel more comfortable with four, Klair complied. Borchardt said the sheriff's department required more deputies based on how many people attended, not because of problems.

Klair has an event scheduled in Rochester on March 24 at Graham Arena West.

video of news story

LOL! chad manson saying I got all roch shows shut down. lol!

those shows have produced the results that I predicted.

p.s. there hasnt been any banning of any shows in Rochester, YET! we just had you removed after your last attempt to rob people. remember where you advertised that Dan Severn was on the poster and coming up to fight Wiuff. I called Dan and confirmed that was all bullshit. The Aquarius nightclub is still talking of your scummy show, and the 4th street gym wants to know where the ring cover is that you rented from them and never returned.

Who Can Use The IKF or ISCF Name? Only Those Who SANCTION With US! A Lesson Chad Mason of Des Moines, Iowa, USA Will Learn The Hard Way!

FRIDAY, April 4th, 2003, AT 4:50 PM, PST

IKF & ISCF LEGAL: On March 4th, 2002 we received an e-mail from a Mr. Wally Jernigan who is the Director of the Nebraska Athletic Commission. In the e-mail, Mr. Jernigan asked us how many MMA events we had received a fee for, and sanctioned for a promoter named Chad Mason from Des Moines, Iowa. According to Mr. Jernigan in his mail, he informed us that Mason had testified to him and a room full of others at a recent Commission meeting that Mason told them that he sanctioned all of his weekly MMA Events in Nebraska and Iowa with our sister organization for Mixed Martial Arts, the ISCF. Mr. Jernigan went on to say that Mason told those in the meeting that he paid the ISCF a fee of $200.00 per event and utilizes the ISCF rules at all of his events. Mason also told everyone that he had been a member of the ISCF for several years now.

NONE of this was True. NONE!

That same day, we received several e-mails inquiring about Mr. Mason and his relationship with the ISCF. All had heard Mason's testimony and questioned it greatly. The meeting was in the city of Omaha, Nebraska and was scheduled because the city was trying to pass a city ordinance to ban MMA in bars where a lot of alcohol is available to not just spectators but fighters as well.

Others who contacted us added more to the story. Things such as Mason's lack of knowledge about the ISCF in regards to exactly where we were located. For example, Mason and his attorney both testified that we were located in Los Angeles... Also present in the meeting was the Omaha city council. Some of them informed us that Mason had in the past, copied the ISCF logo and used at his shows. According to some of the e-mails, Mason had in the past been putting on MMA Events in bars that allowed anybody from the crowd to get in the ring and fight, some of course had been drinking.

Lucky for us ALL of this information was recorded via media and audio tapped. Even Mason's OWN WORDS Stating he had paid the ISCF $200.00 per event for sanctioning. How many events? To date, we have on record well over 50. What legal action will be taken? Well, according to the rules and regulations of the ISCF Legal Page found at this page link Mason can be liable for $25,000.00 "PER" Event. (It Reads: A $25,000.00 Fine will be disciplined "PER EVENT" for any and all persons claiming to have confirmed ISCF sanctioning on their event but has never been granted permission in writing and or paid all full ISCF Sanctioning fees for their event to the ISCF World Headquarters in Newcastle, California, USA.) A quick math quiz sees this fine going up into the millions of dollars for Mason, and that's only counting the use of the name on his events, not to mention the fines for the use of the ISCF logo and other related issues you will find on the ISCF LEGAL PAGE.

There are other involved in this story that we will discuss, but we will hold off on them until a later posting. They include actions and comments of Mason's attorney both at the meeting described above and his comments during a phone conversation with us here at the IKF & ISCF Headquarters. Others included in the audio tape we have brought up laughable conversations, at least to us who DO know MMA and Sanctioning issues. We were not only laughing but shocked as well about some of the claims others made on the recording in regards to insurance for MMA events. On the audio recording, one promoter claims no insurance company will cover MMA, which is TOTALLY FALSE! Our Insurance Company, F.L. Dean does. CLICK HERE To read more!

Another promoter says he uses another "NEUTRAL" non profit Sanctioning body in Missouri called the ISKF for sanctioning of his events. This is a lie as well because we know for a FACT that the ISCF is the ONLY Non Promoting, Neutral Sanctioning body for MMA!

As you can see, this page was made separate from other pages because we will be adding to this as things develope. For those of you who thought we just jumped to this posting of this, your wrong. Mason had been given every possible opportunity to clear this up. He was scheduled to meet with IKF and ISCF President Steve Fossum in Cedar Rapids Iowa last month. Fossum was there, but Mason no showed. He was suppose to make payment on a settlement last Thursday, March 27th, 2003, but failed to do so, ignoring phone calls and acting as if we were not taking this serious. This settlement was FAR less than what he could be facing now. We were only going to fine him for 20 of the events, a fine that was based upon $200.00 per event, as he had claimed he paid. However, he made a promise to pay, and then broke that promise.

We helped him again and extended his "First Payment" date to Tuesday, April 1st. The April Fools joke was on us, as we actually thought he would make good on his promise. He didn't. His final deadline was 10:30 AM today. Which, as you can all see, he broke this promise as well.

He has not been answering any of his phone calls and won't return any calls or e-mails from us. If necessary, we may post them on this page at a later date. He has though been in contact with several other people we know. We know this because they have informed us of his ideas of promoting IKF Kickboxing or just any kickboxing. We are making this news to inform you all, "He cannot be trusted!"

Regardless of what he wants to do or talks about doing, Mason's promotional days are numbered, that is, unless he steps up and makes good on a past agreement he made with us. However, all indications show he will not, and if this is true, the ISCF Legal Team will come after him with everything! A ball that has already started rolling with this page... Check back next week for more on this story... DanDavis View Public Profile Send a private message to DanDavis Visit DanDavis's homepage! Find More Posts by DanDavis Add DanDavis to Your Buddy List

Sean Sherk Warns MMA Industry Of A Shady Promoter Reported By: Boxing Insider - 12.01.2003 02:07 AM
Chad Mason: Fight At Your Own Risk

By Sean Sherk

I remember how proud I felt standing across from Matt Hughes at UFC 42, fighting in the main event on pay-per-view after struggling to make a name for myself in smaller shows since 1999. I'm a very private person and have made MMA my full time career – it's in my blood, the subject never drifts far from my mind.

Today I'm working 15-hour days, holding down two jobs. This is certainly not where I expected to be after recently proposing to my girlfriend. When I choose to fight, there is nothing that is going to stop me... until I met promoter Chad Mason.

In mid-August, Chad contacted me about promoting a fight in my hometown here in Minnesota. After reaching an agreement with my manager, DeWayne Zinkin, Jr., I spent hours on the Net finding suitable venues to help him any way possible. I really want the sport to grow, and despite hearing things about Chad's storied past, I wanted to fight in front of my hometown fans, friends and family.

After settling on Spikers, a local bar that I had fought at before, I joined Chad in meeting with them to cut the deal for November 1st. Originally, I was going to be on two Chad Mason cards during the same month – one on the 1st (Minnesota) and one on the 28th (Iowa). On his word and supposed contract, I turned down other offers and put everything I had into training and assisting Chad with the promotion.

Unbeknownst to anyone, including Spikers, Chad changed the first date to November 7th. Spikers called me and read me the riot act, but I assured them the November 7th date was good as gold and not to worry. Though I had nothing to do with the promotion outside of fighting, I told Chad I could sell tickets and sure enough, I sold over 150 in less than two weeks. My family and friends were staying at nearby hotels and I was excited about fighting in front of my hometown crowd.

The Monday before the show, Chad called me and said everything was great and that he was going to finalize my deal with DeWayne, along with buying some airtime on a local radio station for advertising. I felt good about the situation and concentrated on my training, anticipating the inevitable. But as the days passed, I never heard back from Chad and my manager couldn't reach him.

The day before the show I received a call from someone who said the show had been canceled for two weeks. Promoter Monte Cox even called and said the same thing, as if it had been public knowledge. But how could this be? I had just spoken with Chad days before the show. After receiving two more calls relating to the same subject, I tried to reach him but to no avail.

Chad finally called Thursday evening, admitting the show was canceled. If not for that call, I would have shown up Friday night with all the people I sold tickets to, along with my family and closest friends, expecting to see me fight. I would have looked like an ass.

I told Chad I needed to be paid for the 12 weeks of training and keeping me off the market for three months with no fights and no money. He said he would personally come to Minnesota on Sunday to remedy the money. He never did.

As soon as I got off the phone with Chad that Thursday, I spent the rest of my night calling everyone I know, and everyone I sold tickets to, telling them the show was canceled, assuring their money will be paid back. I called Spikers as well and left a message with the manager telling him the show was canceled and what happened.

I got a call from Brad Kohler on Friday morning saying he talked with Spikers; they wanted to meet with me. He told me they were pissed off and rightly so. Brad went to the meeting to do some damage control. They blamed me for everything that happened. They said they were out a lot of money for chair and table rentals and whatever else.

Outside of losing money and other opportunities, I lost face in my own town and that's something I can never regain.

At the end of the meeting they asked if I would stay and meet people on the night in question to explain why there was no show. Along with Brad, I stayed at Spikers for five hours. I spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday returning people's ticket money. Chad Mason just disappeared and left me to clean up his mess. He is a coward without a conscience.

Chad did not answer any of my phone calls or my manager's calls for several days. When we finally got a hold of him, he kept saying he would pay my show money which he said I was entitled to for all my work and training. Chad assured me he would pay the next day, but tomorrow never came. Of course the November 28th date came and went without a thought. Several fighters lost out on this opportunity as well.

The last time I talked with Chad was about a week ago. He said he was going to Western Union to wire the money and would call back 20 minutes later after everything was sent. He never called back. I've called 30 times since then; he will not answer his phone.

So for the first time in nearly three years, I'm working full time and unable to concentrate on training 100%. Every night, no matter how tired I am, I still train with the same intensity I've always had. My name is mud in my own town, Chad Mason contends he is putting on a show (without me against my original opponent) on December 12th and refuses to acknowledge the people he's hurt in the process. To boot, the money owed to me was to pay for my wedding on January 24th, something Chad knew all along.

I'm not asking for sympathy, but I am asking the MMA community to permanently ban Chad Mason from promoting shows. He is taking advantage of a movement yearning to find its legs and I cannot allow this person to continue his practice of stepping on people for financial gain.

I urge everyone to strongly reconsider any dealings with this individual. This sport is still a grassroots community, one with a lot of hope to succeed. It's a shame bad apples have plagued what so many have fought for, so I ask you to do the right thing and shun his unscrupulous practices.

Pay Sherk or STFU Mason you worthless piece of shit.



there is another survey on this link about "what should be banned in Rochester"

  1. ultimate fighting
  2. smoking
  3. goose poop
  4. trans fats
  5. coal trains
  6. all of the above

They forgot one though ...7. chad mason

here is the link, we whupped ass yesterday!