There are these bracelet things that athletes and even regular folks are wearing where there's this hologram on them, and somehow it's supposed to heal you and make your balance better and a bunch of other shit.
I had one guy pester me to fucking death about it in Vegas, but he was doing a bunch of dumb carnival tricks to show me that it makes you stronger, and right away I realized he was a huckster. SO many people are wearing these things though, it makes me wonder what the fuss is all about.
As always, with anything athletic I turn to the UG experts for advice, as I honestly believe that there are an incredible amount of intelligent and informed people here that can illuminate me on this trend. All my instincts are telling me it's utter horseshit, but I turn to you, my friends for wisdom.
Thanks in advance.
It's bullshit. My friend is a reseller for efx and sells them to idiots all the time. They do look better than those livestrong bracelets though.
perhaps something magnetic or Tachyon energy-related...check out Dr. Gabriel Cousens in Arizona, he sells many products like this...
It is all about the belief. Some people think that they can't be well adjusted people on their own, so they subscribe to bullshit to get them mentally balanced. Whatever it takes to help them feel positive about life, I'm sure they will try.
So much of life is out of our control, and some people just deal with that fact better than others.
placebo effect
My wife is an athlete and was given one by a sponsor's friend. She said it seemed to work, but it could just as well be the Hawthorne Effect.
It's an electro-magnetic circuit of some sort, iirc.
Some studies have shown pain relief associated with magnets (also w/ copper and some other shit).
Theory being that nerves and pain are transmitted as electricity in the body.
Seeing as Mrs. 99's bracelet busted after a couple months and she's been doing fine without it, I'd say don't invest too heavily.
A lot of talk about the "scam"
But they claim to...
According to the web site, "Power Balance's Mylar Holographic Disk (the same substance used to keep static electricity from damaging electrical components) has been imbedded with an electrical frequency that restores your body’s electrical balance, promoting a free exchange of positive and negative ions and align your body’s energy pathways. The high density Disk acts much like a switch, resonating within your system and turning on your energy field while it clears the pathways so the electro-chemical exchange functions like the well-tuned generator it was designed to be. When the static Power Balance Hologram comes in contact with your body’s energy field, it begins to resonate in accordance with each individual’s biological, creating a harmonic loop that optimizes your energy field and maintains maximum energy flow while clearing the pathways so the electro-chemical exchange functions like the well-tuned generator it was meant to be."
off topic, Joe did you get the first box of UG shirts with logo on front and then second box of simple grey ones?
Fuck the holograms bro, I got these bracelets that start off straight and end up curly. You literally SLAP this bling on your wrist bro.
Not only that you can use this shit as a bookmark! You wanna walk around bookless and braceleless acting too cool for school? Fuck No! Get a book and a bracelet
It's just liquefied magnetic material swirled at a high altitude. The image is inserted in the recast when the material is undergoing phase transition. I don't think anyone can explain it but I have heard that it exceeds placebo in a number of tests.
Also off topic, my buddy wants to know what the watch you wearing at Lesnar vs Carwin was. Dude's got a thing for watches
Just another placebo item only capable of helping those gullible enough to believe in them. Granted even placebo's offer real beneficial results to a degree.
Kinesiology ( Touch for health )
Joe Rogan - There are these bracelet things that athletes and even regular folks are wearing where there's this hologram on them, and somehow it's supposed to heal you and make your balance better and a bunch of other shit.People are stupid.
I had one guy pester me to fucking death about it in Vegas, but he was doing a bunch of dumb carnival tricks to show me that it makes you stronger, and right away I realized he was a huckster. SO many people are wearing these things though, it makes me wonder what the fuss is all about.
As always, with anything athletic I turn to the UG experts for advice, as I honestly believe that there are an incredible amount of intelligent and informed people here that can illuminate me on this trend. All my instincts are telling me it's utter horseshit, but I turn to you, my friends for wisdom.
Thanks in advance.
Go read reviews on and form your own opinion (hint: my opinion was that frequencies embedded in mylar holograms combined with a silicon rubber band cannot improve athletic performance). That said, the placebo effect can be a powerful thing. Any supposed strength/balance demonstration/tests they give are a sham and results easily explained.
Example: "the torsional rotation test" - rotate your torso with an arm extended and make a mental note of roughly how many degrees you got around from the front. Now, put on a powerbalance band (or pick up a magic stapler, or do nothing) and try it again and you'll go further. Turns out if you try stretching certain areas of the body, wait a second and then do it again, you can go further than the first time.
The other demonstrations they give are easily debunked (again back to stretching out an area before adding the powerbalance band and then trying it again...that or strength/balance tests where the 2nd time around when you are wearing the band, you know what to expect and therefore perform better).
I wish they did magically work, but they don't, and these types of products/salespersons have been around since the dawn of humankind.
Much like flexibility/Slygirl penetration becomes easier after warmup, the Powerbalance $20-$30 rubberband plays on that phenomenon.
WoodenPupa - It's just liquefied magnetic material swirled at a high altitude. The image is inserted in the recast when the material is undergoing phase transition. I don't think anyone can explain it but I have heard that it exceeds placebo in a number of tests.
I'm sure that those tests were done by independent researches and peer reviewed.
The problem with these types of things is that they can say almost anything, as long as they don't claim to cure a disease. I could whip up something in my kitchen, say it pulls toxins out of the body, and sell it to some poor unsuspecting individual.
A lot of non thinking people out there, and there are a lot of people that make a lot of money off of their ignorance.
Go with a q-ray
I makes your nutts grow bigger and your dick smaller thats what heard.
Magnetic mirror particles have been known to influence the blood since the dark ages. We can now concentrate them into bracelets; I don't see how any peer review is going to overrule pure logic.