poll: would mac have won if he ate meat?



Not in my opinion.

Clay's the man.

I just rewatched that fight last night, Mac didn't stand a chance.

"I just rewatched that fight last night, Mac didn't stand a chance."

What a stupid comment. Of course he stood a chance.

macs diet is fine.

immaculata probably wishes clay would hug him him for 2 rounds like he did mac the other night.

I don't need no stinking vitamins i eat a vitamin every day its called a fucking steak!

well, theres no doubt he'd be better off physically, but i dont think it would have mattered in that particular fight lol

 No Meat=No Beat!

 only if it was mac donalds

LOL outclassed in slow humping maybe, mac was more active and effective in striking, and subs.

lordofthevulcans - i watched the fight high so i payed close attention to every detail. guida completely outclassed mac in this fight, imo.


clay just seemed to have that extra "umph"...mac, although he appeared to be in top condition, was sucking air and checking the clock

mac did seem to get tired and was sucking air hard in the 3rd round.
Mac not easy to finish and Clay was trying