Post your MMA memorabilia : Fight Gear, Gloves, Posters, Cards, etc


Yooooo that Hoost cartoon is mad RACIST! WTF?! Asians bro, amirite?!

But seriously, all this K-1 shit is top notch. Especially the Aerts 666 and the red shirt/yellow ink. Always wanted those

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Platinum just posted this on this Instagram stories

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Holy shit! That’s crazy! Thanks for sharing!!!

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those were the glory days! Amazing promos!!!



not mine but I saw this online. Beautiful


Jeff Molina fight worn jockstrap from UFC Fight Night 196



Post any memorabilia if you come across something cool, it doesn’t have to be your own. I thought we would see a lot more old school stuff!

I have two of these.Do you consider them memoribilia? I do not use them.The UFC octagon sculpted coffee mugs.

Says they are out of stock.



Cool stuff like that, doesn’t have to be like expensive memorabilia, I love seeing the old UFC promos and keepsakes . I remember the first time I saw a UFC lighter in Vegas I bought like 10 I couldn’t believe it. lol.

I also have a UFC octagon clock & a UFC neon clock.

Never used.


You won’t find many of these because the event never happened.I know that the IFC is frowned upon,but they were a good promotion for awhile.Besides this adds to your thread & keeps it at the top.




why is the IFC never mentioned? It’s weird how some leagues just got erased from history. I remember when UFC was buying all the rights to Fight Pass they wanted nothing to do with CFF events.

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Because Paul Smith & the owner Howard Petschler ripped off tons of fighters.

They still owe me $500.00.


Saw this online. Not mine but badass.


IFC - More bad news
Denver/Broomfield/Boulder, CO

“Grandpa” calls it quits

About eight years ago, I starting my involvement with an MMA organization called The Warrior’s Lodge. It started out as a training center. Paul and I trained some fighters. Being a little older than the fighters, one of my main jobs was conditioning them. I am more of a man of action than talking. So I would do everything with them, except when it was time for the special conditioning. It was a lot of fun and kept me exercising. To make a longer story short, I acquired a nickname, “Grandpa”. This name has followed me all the years with my involvement with the IFC. Even though I do not have any grandchildren that I know of at this time. It is a name I am very proud of. For those of you who do not know my real name it is Doug Gunselman. At times I think the name “Grandpa” brings fear into the fighters at a MMA show. I know it really doesn’t. The one thing I do know is the name “Grandpa” is respected in the MMA world. It is a name I know I earned, by blood, sweat, tears, and too many other words to mention. My time with the IFC has been filled with experiences not many people get to see, do or be part of. I’ve seen mixed martial arts go from a sold out smoke shop and backyard matches, to sold out arenas. This sport is growing fast. Just look at the number of DVDs and PPV shows available. Wouldn’t it be great to see mixed martial arts in the Olympics? With the number of promoters and shows out there fighters are getting a chance to fight at least once a month. My main concern with the IFC shows was to help the fighters get ready and look good entering the ring. I know what a fighter does to prepare for their fight and I tried to ease their entering the cage. You get to meet all those involved in MMA. I am not writing to bad mouth and belittle anyone involved with the IFC. But the time has come to end my association with the IFC. My reason(s) for ending my time with the IFC are just that, mine. To all of you keyboard warriors who like to start rumors go ahead; I like to read the different forums out there. You never know I might answer one. I am not ending my involved with MMA. I plan to help Scott and Reed’s WEC for as long as they will have me. Any other promoters out there needing help, every now and then, call or e-mail me. I am going to be unavailable for a few weeks. If you need to get in touch with me it will have to be through my e-mail. The IFC was once a fine MMA organization. I should know I helped make it one. They have some problems to work out.

This sport is growing fast and we need to keep it an honorable one. Let’s keep the," he said, she said" bullshit out of the MMA. The more we work as a whole, everybody wins. Thanks for your time.

Doug Gunselman (Grandpa)


For the record…that is not me ^^^ that was Grandpa the event coordinator.I quit shortly after him.


I’ve got the Tapout …Represent Mother Fucker …t-shirt.


My boy got this for me at the Bellator fights this weekend

AJ McKee


Different brands of MMA cups.


These are 3D.
