Anyone own a pair of Boxergenics? The original UFC gloves

No,Melton Bowen was.

Felix Mitchell came in with a pair of some fingerless gloves (before Melton) and BJM would not let him wear them.

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Melton Bowen


What brand did he use? Those would be cool to keep if there’s ever an MMA brick and mortar hall of fame

No idea what-so-ever.


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They’re just like the old Harbinger gloves, down to the palm bar you had to cut out. I’ve still got a set of those floating around somewhere.

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Notice that Felix Mitchell comes out in a red pair of fingerless MMA gloves at UFC 3 & BJM doesn’t let him wear them.

That’s crazy. Probably like $20,000 worth of gloves! High end collectors from Japan and Russia would probably hop all over Fedors. I wonder if Fedor got to keep his? From what I heard nobody got to keep them.

Those Affliction shows were epic. Just the whole timing of it and seeing new fights and matchups, I was so stoked. I signed up for the street team and got a shitload of fliers and posters. If you ever had an Affliction flier on your car in HB it came from me! I was so stoked and wanted it to succeed. My only regret is about 8 years ago I threw away about 500 fliers and 20 promotional posters left over. I figured they were worthless.

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LOL. I went to the Beverly Hills presser and left with 1,000 posters and 150 god awful tshirts. Luckily, Fedor was nice like always and signed a bunch of stuff too.

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Jerry Millen was a fucking cock block in San Jose.

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He’s the worst. We just had the translator.

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The UFC needs to upgrade it’s gloves and use new materials and design.

The ones they have now are like 20 years old.

If the NFL is constantly updating it’s helmets why isn’t the UFC updating it’s gloves?


When I met him he was like Anderson Silva. He smiled and nice but pretended to not understand what I was saying. Lol, I remember his autograph used to be rare. I had a friend that got to train with him in like 2008 in New Jersey area. I was so jealous. I’ve seen him at Bellator and got a promo sheet signed by him, but I’ve noticed Fedor has been signing so many items over the years, it’s sad to see his autographed items selling for super cheap.

Do you still happen to have that second pair? The ones with the two-part cushion on the back of the hand and the white logo?

Fighting shatner hasn’t posted for over a year. He’s not suspended.

I had a pair of boxergenics and they vanished probably around like 2002 or 2003. I got them from a guy I trained with who had been at Straight Blast for a little while.

I won a pair of early Ouano UFC gloves signed by Tito Ortiz back in the day.