these past three were from the infamous and glorious NY Underground Combat League, notice the downward elbows, the lack of gloves, etc.
This guy delivering the punch attacked subway workers with a chainsaw either the evening of this fight or the next day and served a long prison sentence, he got out recently. It was a strange fight, one of the strangest. He refused to hit his opponent when he was down and out and got DQed for not engaging. somewhat honorable but also indicative that he was off and not behaving like other fighters. Google NYC subway chainsaw attack if you want to read about it.
Yooooo that Hoost cartoon is mad RACIST! WTF?! Asians bro, amirite?!
But seriously, all this K-1 shit is top notch. Especially the Aerts 666 and the red shirt/yellow ink. Always wanted those
Holy shit! That’s crazy! Thanks for sharing!!!
those were the glory days! Amazing promos!!!
Jeff Molina fight worn jockstrap from UFC Fight Night 196
Post any memorabilia if you come across something cool, it doesn’t have to be your own. I thought we would see a lot more old school stuff!
I have two of these.Do you consider them memoribilia? I do not use them.The UFC octagon sculpted coffee mugs.
Says they are out of stock.
Cool stuff like that, doesn’t have to be like expensive memorabilia, I love seeing the old UFC promos and keepsakes . I remember the first time I saw a UFC lighter in Vegas I bought like 10 I couldn’t believe it. lol.
I also have a UFC octagon clock & a UFC neon clock.
Never used.