Price Correction for Bravo Seminar

In speaking with Eddie (who is a great guy) I realized I set the price for our Xtreme Couture/Eddie Bravo seminar too high.

It's now $100 for 4 hours of training with Eddie on August 25th.

If you're coming in town for the fights that night we're about 5 minutes by cab from the Mandalay Bay.

Call 702.616.1022 or email to register for the Seminar.


Still too high

100 aint bad at all. id hit it up if i lived anywhere near there

does $100 cover the afterparty jk


Thats a really good price.

Xtreme Couture, can you please tell us what you know about the gym in or near Chicago?


It's going to be in Lombard. We're hoping it will be up and running in September.