Pride 34 only 6 fights??

Right now they are only listing 6 fights.
Any other rumors or anything on any fights being added. The show is only a week away.


Pride does this every time. Maybe now that Zuffa is running the show this "make matches 2 days before the show" crap will end.

^^I hope so^^

Frye vs. Minowa. Oh, thank you DSE. You're ending your promotional career with a bang.

When the fights are this good, you only need six.

= 6 fights too many.

Why dont they just cancel this crappy card?

That's true, I mean Zulu vs Butterbean is worth the price of PPV alone. Man I hope they match up Silva w/someone tough like Lil nog or something. Both are coming off a loss and need a big win.


Silva fight will be interesting to see how he responds to his loss to Henderson. Can't fucking wait to see Don Frye fight again!!!!!!
I still remember when he was fighting Gilber Yvel right after 9-11. Came out with the American Flag and had Yvel down and we were like "Knee him in the head DON!!!! and then he did. Don threw down and represented when American moral was down. Props!!!!

I'm sure they'll announce the remainder of the card 2 days before it happens and inform the fighters of their opponent in the locker room an hour before the fights start.

This really needs to change under the new leadership - it's unprofessional and not fair to the fighters or fans.

"Man I hope they match up Silva w/someone tough like Lil nog or something. Both are coming off a loss and need a big win."

Man, I'm ALWAYS game for seeing Silva in a war, but for this particular card I'm kinda hoping for the opposite. He's coming off two vicious KO losses, with the most recent being just a month ago. I wouldn't mind seeing him beat up someone with ease, if for anything, his own health and prosperity as a fighter.

They are certainly going out on a LOW.

This is one thing I and the fighters will certainly not miss about Pride -- waiting until very late to announce fights. This has always been one of the biggest glaring acts of unprofessionalism on the part of DSE.

"Yea, lets give him some japanese can again, like the first half of his pride career to rebuild his hype."

hahaha I'll only ask for one I promise ;)

Don Frye vs. Ikuhisa Minowa

Hahaha, no way!

It's too bad they're going out on their traditional mid-spring comedy card and not one of the epic ones