
Was so much Budo in Pride that I am happy to see that it's former stars (even the faded ones) still get so much love and respect from the fans. Love it.

PRIDE to English translation

Budo = mismatches.

Pageantry = Worked Match

^^Hmmm. Wonder what your definitions for the UFC are.

cusandmike - ^^Hmmm. Wonder what your definitions for the UFC are.
UFC = still in business.


MolsonMuscles - 
cusandmike - ^^Hmmm. Wonder what your definitions for the UFC are.
UFC = still in business.

End of thread.

budo means "martial arts" or "grapes"

UFC = Still in Business

Still in Business = dont give a fuck about the fighters or the best fights, just want to make money!

"UFC= Still in Business". Exactly the kind of answer I was expecting. Pathetic.


cusandmike - "UFC= Still in Business". Exactly the kind of answer I was expecting. Pathetic.

God knows we don't want an organization to be successful.


I like Yakuza run businesses, they know the capitalist model very well and if their directors mess up they end up hung in a hotel room, rather than getting a golden parachute.

yeah, it totally leads to great fights when multiple organizations have all the talent split up

instead of one business dominating the industry and having a monopoly on elite talent, with a strong enough brand name to force the best fighters to take whatever fights they give, instead of the pick and choose games that have fucked boxing fans for years.

some of you seem to be bigger fans of drama and characters, then fighting.  go watch some pro wrestling or TV, if thats what you want.

Yeah, just think of all the great fights Pride has given us over the last 5 years...oh, nevermind.
Of course its all Danas fault. Isn't everything?