Pride DVDs: Ass-tacular

Ordered a relatively new Pride DVD last week - Total Elimination 2004.

One might get their hopes up that the extras would be substantial, considering it's a 2-disc set, and you have an entire DVD devoted to them.


Disc 2 consists of some of the WORST supplemental material I've ever seen on any DVD. You get...

  1. A video montage of the mousy Pride ring girls.

  2. A montage of the fighter entrances.

  3. Unedited Pre and post-fight interviews.

  4. The fuckin' PPV countdown show.

  5. A picture of the event program.

In other words, you get footage that was on the first DVD, only unedited. And a picture!

On the plus side, the audio and video is very well done. But considering how the UFC puts in 15-20 min. of backstage footage for the same price, Pride needs to get their shit together.

what was the price of the set?

$15, less a 20% discount.

No real complaints - I'd buy the set if it had no extras at all. But since that's the norm for DVD releases, and the direct competition is offering a better value for the money, they gotta get with the program.

Pride needs to get their shit together.

Any more shockers for me while my guard is down?