Pride Fighters Losing Because.....

Maybe they all have Claustrophobia.

Let the flaming begin.

thanks for this

Pride has better rules

pride rules kicked ass.

"Pride has better rules "

Besides maybe Cro Cop/Gonzaga with the elbows, if the fight was under Pride rules, what fight would have had a changed outcome if it were under Pride rules?

Forrest would have knee'd Shogun to death when Shogun was turtling, Cro Cop would have been knee'd to death when Kongo had side mount on him, Nog/Herring would have been the same.

The cage rules!!!!!!!!!!

Pride fighters will lose b/c of the cage, its their downfall.

They should all retire now, and ask Tiger Schulmann how to franchise a MMA school.

How else do you explain a fighter like Forrest Griffen defeating Shogun. Was it skill?? Was it heart??? No!!! the fact that Forrest has had experience fighting in the cage outweighs any other challengers skills.

Face it, the Pride ring made these guys look alot better then they really are. The cage is a mysterious place that is preceded by its reputation.

Just think if you never let your toddler out of his playpen how good a fighter he would be. Training starts at a young age. Keep your kids in an enclosed area as long as possible.

Remember.................The cage is unbeatable

"Just think if you never let your toddler out of his playpen how good a fighter he would be. Training starts at a young age. Keep your kids in an enclosed area as long as possible"

its worth a try

Sorry I didn't mean pride fighters are better I just wish that the UFC had
went under and not pride.
UFCs no knees on the ground and no stomps really take away a big part
of the game. Mainly making the most dominant position side mount
useless and there is also no price to pay for a sprawled takedown. Also
stomps my first true love gone forever even from K-1 Heros will NEVER be
seen again in MMA.
UFC will never change the rules because its america and you can't just
change things here you need 100 people to approve something and one
person to shoot it down.
I am not for team pride or team UFC I don't understand how some of you
pick sides. I am for team MMA I enjoy fighting and Pride had the rules set
to provide the most realistic fights.

Didn't know Nog, Silva and Rampage have been losing.

Oh, wait you are a KKM. You have down Syndrome by Default. I can ignore this.

"Didn't know Nog, Silva and Rampage have been losing.
Oh, wait you are a KKM. You have down Syndrome by Default. I can ignore this."

I guess I should have wrote "Pride Fighters Mirko 'CroCop' Filipovic, and 'Shogun' Rua Losing Because....."

But it wouldn't fit in the headline. My bad!

The best way to see whether there is truth to the cage vs. ring thesis is to have the fighters fight in a big, open air ring, similiar to the WCL league, but perhaps bigger. That way, it's the fighters skill that matters, not their ability to use a cage.

All fighters should be under heavy supervision for at least 45 days before a fight so they don't take vitamins, or drink too much milk. Making their bones stronger and gaining an unfair advantage.

How else do you explain a fighter like Forrest Griffen defeating Shogun. Was it skill?? Was it heart??? No!!! the fact that Forrest has had experience fighting in the cage outweighs any other challengers skills.<<<

The cage really didn't play into Forrest beating Shogun. I think it was Forrest's skills (he was beating him standing up and on the ground), better cardio, and yes, his heart.

Forrest was the better fighter that had nothing to do with the cage.

LColson has just RNC'd the truth.

""Didn't know Nog, Silva and Rampage have been losing.""

Quinton & Silva were NOT with pride... and NOG sharted an forgetable decision, because Keith got lazzy and did'nt finish the KO(mistake of the year)...

These guys were: Cro Cop, Hendo, Shogun....

FACT is UFC has NO ROIDS!!!! and the cage is a HUGE factor....