PRIDE office closed, workers fired

I am so glad that I actually was able to go to Pride34 in Japan this year.  I will never forget it.

For all we know, Pride could have been a money laundering vehicle for the Yakuza.  Something must be up...




pRoid imo

and who didnt see this coming

"The employees had too much budo to look for new jobs."


who cares, its not like the japanese care about the ufc

"PRIDE staffers are confused and bewildered by the sudden closing of the office"

Pride hasn't had an event in almost 6 months, what the hell were the employess doing for the last half year any way????

Exactly how long do you have to sit around with you thumb up your ass doing nothing before you wouldn't be confused and bewildered about losing your job?

I think this all looked pretty evident at the press conference they had when they announcement the sale. Sakakibara kept making comments that Lorenzo was going to be the one running it and it would be separate from the UFC when Dana was saying something completely different.

at least we don't have to hear that annoying chick screaming Joshieeeeeeee Baarrrrrneeeeettt anymore

"at least we don't have to hear that annoying chick screaming Joshieeeeeeee Baarrrrrneeeeettt anymore "

Shut your dirty fucking mouth. She was awesome.

fingerpointing's cute and all, but i think we've got to be able to admit that basically 2 things are true in this situation-

1.) sakakibara is full of shit.

2.) pride's situation was not salvageable. you don't buy a nike that has cash flow problems and close it down so you can try to sell kickaroos in the same market. that doesn't make any sense.

an ancillary to #2 is that it's been said repeatedly it is NOT POSSIBLE for gaijin to make business work in japan. if everyone's trying to footdrag and fuck you over because they're deeply racist, it's not the american company's fault for not being able to work around it. it's a japanese company in a japanese country, with japanese fans, ans japanese employees. if you can't get these people to work with americans without trying to stinkpalm and backstab you, then as an american business owner, there's not a lot you can do. unless you think flying in a bunch of american employees to try and keep the thing afloat is a cost-effective and realistic option.

Who needs Pride when we have Bisping-Evans as a main event?

"Yeah true.....K-1 is barely surviving in that market. You tools don't know what you're talking about."

You're quite the tool yourself. Being involved in a profitable market isn't even close to enough if the organization is run poorly.

the words PRIDE and organization need not be used in the same

RIP Pride. It was good while it lasted.

I actually think PRIDE lasted a lot longer than I was expecting after losing that TV deal.

That's too bad.  The February card is certainly one of the highlights of my time as Executive Director:


I can't believe any real MMA fan is happy that Pride is gone. Terrible.

And as for "who cares, the japanese don't care about UFC"

That is one of the dumbest comments I have ever read. If you are an MMA fan you will like a good MMA event regardless of what country the company has its headquarters in. A real MMA fan watches Pride, UFC, Shooto, Hero's, Pancrase, Bodog... everything. It is all MMA and we are all on the same team.

Frank Triggs real name is Dewey?

Thread should be titled "Zuffa pays 6 months salary to help Pride employees"

"I also heard crocop was 8 foot tall and shot lightening bolts out his arse."

Well? He does! :D