PRIDE was great but.....

I was disappointed with V. Silva's performance. Was he feeling the pressure? Was he giving Arona too much respect? I really thought we were going to see Silva swinging for the fences but I guess I thunk wrong. In all honesty I was very displeased.

Other than the card was great. Overeem needs to pace himself or something. He is good just needs to relax some. Fedor/Cro Cop lived up to the hype. Fedor has proven he would dominate any HW in the world. Any of these clowns that think Arlovski would stand a chance need to get out of their mother's basement. Fedor is the man even with a bad hand.

Shogun is amazing and he is proof that skill will get you so far but cardio is difference in elite performers.

If PRIDE keeps cranking them out I'm going to keep watching them.

Yeah he did look very pale. Maybe is was sick. He looked to be in excellent shape though. I thought he was going to come out gunz blazin'.

silva didnt look like himself, respected arona too much. and got titod again

IN MY OPINION Silva didn't have much to gain by going all out. He's already got the belt. Sure he can win this but what would he accomplish if he ended up fighting Shogun in the end. THAT would have been a lackluster was Shogun's turn to shine and i think Silva decided not to be selfish...

Nelson that makes sense but I really hope PRIDE puts on a rematch between Arona/Silva. Because if your theory is correct I want to at least Silva go down swinging!!

Pride was boring as Hell


thank jebus for Rua nad Fedor

the whole Pride Production is getting old, long drawn out and boring

anyone else notice the Ref trying to help Yoshida slip a triangle on tank LOL

and the ring ref's barely touched him when his foot was in the ropes

what a fishy shitty match

GO UFC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Nelson that makes sense but I really hope PRIDE puts on a rematch between Arona/Silva. Because if your theory is correct I want to at least Silva go down swinging!!"

absolutely...again, i THINK these events will lead to an Arona-Silva for the title match and Shogun sitting back to see who wins...Shogun will probably take on one or two of the other players who were ousted from the tourney in the meantime....

i for one, want to see Arona-Silva for the belt

pride sucks