Prime Foreman with 6 months sprawl

How would he do in MMA if he got fed hand picked opponents?

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Leg kicks would hurt him.

StrikingMMA - Leg kicks would hurt him.

Big george is one of the mentally toughest fighters of all time.

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I think hed be better than deontay at mma. Much stronger in a grapple.

TerryTime - 
StrikingMMA - Leg kicks would hurt him.

Big george is one of the mentally toughest fighters of all time.

Mentally tough doesn’t have anything to do with swollen damaged legs that you can’t stand on properly.

StrikingMMA -
TerryTime - 
StrikingMMA - Leg kicks would hurt him.

Big george is one of the mentally toughest fighters of all time.

Mentally tough doesn’t have anything to do with swollen damaged legs that you can’t stand on properly.

Hes a boxer. I’m not arguing hed be a great mma fighter with 6 months of sprawl training. I just don’t see leg kicks stopping Big George is all.

Back to these threads?

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If you throw a leg kick at Foreman you better set it up good and you better cover up while throwing.  I think he would knock down a kicker even if it was completely blocked


I'm sure they could find enough garbage fighters in the heavyweight division to make him look good with or without 6 months of TDD training.

List the HW's from pride till now, that could actually effectively throw leg kicks at Foreman safely. I've got 2. Crocop and Hunt. Guys who could maybe do it, but it would be "highway to the danger zone" everytime they setup to do it? Fedor, Werdum maybe? Stipe maybe? Couple other guys? 

Simple truth is, HW's are fucking limited. They haven't evolved really much at all since 2005 outside of Cormier imo. Very few HW's could safely exploit leg kicks on Big George.

this forum is filled with boxing idiots who dont even understand there own sport. 

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