MMA Underground Forums

PRIME Pride fighter vs PRIME ufc fighter

OP's schtick is old and lame.

Smith1234 - It is revisionist history to say Shogun was shot when he fought Jones.

Before the fight, people laughed at Jon saying "champ 2011" and said he has no chance. Immediately after, they said something was wrong, he was off, he is shot, etc.

Something was off, getting blasted and your doors blown off in a complete shutout / blowout will tend to make you look off.

Having said that, Shogun is top 3 all time at LHW. I'm not discrediting him, in fact I am saying Jones beating a superb fighter like Shogun in the manner he did is mind bottling. Phone Post 3.0

It's revisionist to believe a large percentage of people were laughing at the notion of Jones beating Shogun.

IIRC he was indeed the favorite going into that fight. And a very sizable amount of UG'ers and fans in general picked him to win. A small, vocal amount of hardcore UG'ers laughing at Jones' disrespectful antics is not that big of a deal.

omega 2013 - 
orcus -

"Its not possible for you to think Fedor could win vs anyone."

Funny you say that, because I picked Fedor to win every fight starting with the first fight with Nog. The first fight I picked him to lose was against Bigfoot.

I'll bet everyone ignores that... Phone Post

I like how Orcus completely leaves out the part where he tucked from his "pick". I believe you decided against choosing Bigfoot to win that bout after having saw what Mike Kyle was able to do to him.

orcus just trolled this thread


Virtually every single pride fan was a UFC fan first and foremost. Die hard UFC fans at that. How often does something like that happen, ever? Tells you how special pride was. Too bad so many new fans never got to experience it as it happened. Phone Post

lockon - 
omega 2013 - 
orcus -

"Its not possible for you to think Fedor could win vs anyone."

Funny you say that, because I picked Fedor to win every fight starting with the first fight with Nog. The first fight I picked him to lose was against Bigfoot.

I'll bet everyone ignores that... Phone Post

I like how Orcus completely leaves out the part where he tucked from his "pick". I believe you decided against choosing Bigfoot to win that bout after having saw what Mike Kyle was able to do to him.

I didn't bet on it because I wasn't sure enough to risk, but he was still my pick. Bigfoot was the first fighter I picked to beat Fedor. Werdum was the first Fedor fight I picked incorrectly, including the first fight with Nog which I thought was pretty easy to call after seeing Fedor/Herring.

Saying I changed my pick after seeing the Kyle fight makes zero sense, since that fight happened long before Bigfoot/Fedor was booked. Why would I have a pick in a fight that wasn't even booked?

lockon - 
Smith1234 - It is revisionist history to say Shogun was shot when he fought Jones.

Before the fight, people laughed at Jon saying "champ 2011" and said he has no chance. Immediately after, they said something was wrong, he was off, he is shot, etc.

Something was off, getting blasted and your doors blown off in a complete shutout / blowout will tend to make you look off.

Having said that, Shogun is top 3 all time at LHW. I'm not discrediting him, in fact I am saying Jones beating a superb fighter like Shogun in the manner he did is mind bottling. Phone Post 3.0

It's revisionist to believe a large percentage of people were laughing at the notion of Jones beating Shogun.

IIRC he was indeed the favorite going into that fight. And a very sizable amount of UG'ers and fans in general picked him to win. A small, vocal amount of hardcore UG'ers laughing at Jones' disrespectful antics is not that big of a deal.

Jones' was the sizable favourite in betting lines but a lot of fans (myself included) were picking Shogun. Jones was as low as -167 with Shogun topping out at +199.

orcus -
lockon - 
omega 2013 - 
orcus -

"Its not possible for you to think Fedor could win vs anyone."

Funny you say that, because I picked Fedor to win every fight starting with the first fight with Nog. The first fight I picked him to lose was against Bigfoot.

I'll bet everyone ignores that... Phone Post

I like how Orcus completely leaves out the part where he tucked from his "pick". I believe you decided against choosing Bigfoot to win that bout after having saw what Mike Kyle was able to do to him.

I didn't bet on it because I wasn't sure enough to risk, but he was still my pick. Bigfoot was the first fighter I picked to beat Fedor. Werdum was the first Fedor fight I picked incorrectly, including the first fight with Nog which I thought was pretty easy to call after seeing Fedor/Herring.

Saying I changed my pick after seeing the Kyle fight makes zero sense, since that fight happened long before Bigfoot/Fedor was booked. Why would I have a pick in a fight that wasn't even booked?

I know that fight took place some time before his bout with Fedor. Still, I'm sure you decided against picking Bigfoot with your reasoning being the fact that Kyle had him in big trouble. You could've just explained your concerns in picking him, but i don't think that's the case.

I'll look it up later. We can make a bet if you'd like. Phone Post

What's there to bet? I picked Bigfoot but was not confident enough to make a bet on it. No mystery.


^ who knows if orcus was picking Bigfoot to win or not. He certainly made it a point to undermine every Fedor opponent before the fight. By the time orcus was done his trolling rants, the noobs were expecting Arlovski, Sylvia, Rogers, Werdum and Bigfoot to look like bumbling amateurs.

Agenda? Nah... Phone Post

Although LOL @ 100 posts (myself included) from butthurt UG'ers demanding that one poster be more fair. Phone Post

MrColdCock - 

^ who knows if orcus was picking Bigfoot to win or not. He certainly made it a point to undermine every Fedor opponent before the fight. By the time orcus was done his trolling rants, the noobs were expecting Arlovski, Sylvia, Rogers, Werdum and Bigfoot to look like bumbling amateurs.

Agenda? Nah... Phone Post

Uh...this is a forum. All my posts are still available if you feel like digging. You can see exactly who I picked.


riico vs nog seemed pretty close to boths primes. it was debateable decision win for nog...

actually orcus picked Big Nog in both the original and rematches.


I know this because I used to find old post of his and counter argue current orcus with old orcus statements.


Besides contradicting what he's saying now(which is nothing surprising), I am not sure what else that means.


I too picked Big Nog over Fedor in all fights.



"actually orcus picked Big Nog in both the original and rematches."

Show me posts where I picked Nog over Fedor. I didn't even join this forum until 5 months after the first fight.

My predictions for Fedor vs Bigfoot:



From: orcus Send Private Message Add Comment To Profile 
Posted: 1/10/11 3:25 PM
Member Since: 8/1/03
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I think Bigfoot will win, too. Still, Fedor's speed advantage could be the deciding factor.

Fun fact: This is the first fight I have ever picked against Fedor in, including his first fight with Nog.
From: orcus Send Private Message Add Comment To Profile 
Posted: 2/10/11 5:37 PM
Member Since: 8/1/03
Posts: 59432
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I'm excited. FINALLY we're seeing Fedor against a real heavy who has good takedowns, good standup, powerful hands, powerful GnP, and good grappling.

CLINTK9 - "I'm excited. FINALLY we're seeing Fedor against a real heavy who has good takedowns, good standup, powerful hands, powerful GnP, and good grappling"

doesnt this go against you (and Auzzie's) theory Fedor didnt fight anyone who was a danger both up top and on the ground? or was that reserved for 2nd generation "wrestlers" only.

The point was he didn't do that during his run -- hence why I was "excited" about "FINALLY" seeing him in that type of matchup. And then when he finally DID fight that type, he lost. The argument had always been "if he fights someone who can take him down, he'll just sub them from the bottom like Coleman".

Smith1234 - Shogun put on an incredible fight wit Dan.

Saying Shogun when he fought Jones was shot is completely at odds with what he did in a war with Hendo.

In fact, saying Shogun was shot is a huge disservice to Dan. Are you saying Dan can barely beat and almost get stopped by a well shot Shogun? Phone Post 3.0

I don't see why Shogun's performance against Hendo would lead you to believe that Shogun was still in his prime at the time. Other than his great display of heart and determination, he performed very poorly.


Pride wins this!

There were no tests in Pride!

Those guys would win with the juice.