Proof of Corrupt Judges in Pacquiao/Marquez Fight?

EDIT: Disregard this thread. The stats that were posted are from Marquez/Pacquiao II.

According to Compubox, Marquez out landed Pacquiao 21 to 5 in Total Punches and 15 to 5 in Power Punches in Round 8.

Obvious round for Marquez, right?


The two judges who scored the fight for Pacquiao gave Round 8 to Pacquiao even though he was out landed by 16 total punches, 10 power punches, and landed only 5 total punches in the round.

Had those two judges given Marquez Round 8, the final result would be a majority draw. 114-114, 114-114, and 115-113 Pacquiao.

See the Punch Stats here:

See Judges' Scorecard here:

Boxing scoring is so subjective and that is the excuse they will use.

On one card JMM won 4 of the last 6 rounds, yet on the other two cards he LOST 4 of the last 6 rounds.

Queeny - Yeah but you also forgot to mention than the stats show Manny outlanding Marquez in EVERY round except the 8th, so overall the judges did a great job and should all get a raise for not being La Raza dickheads and buying into the hype.

Can you explain why two judges scored round 8 for Pacquiao, even though Marquez outlanded him in that round?

PoundforPound - Boxing scoring is so subjective and that is the excuse they will use.

On one card JMM won 4 of the last 6 rounds, yet on the other two cards he LOST 4 of the last 6 rounds.

But when a fighter out lands another fighter 21-5, judging becomes more objective than subjective, don't you think? I have to watch the round again and see how they could possibly give it to Manny, but for now, it stands as blatant incompetence or corruption.

Queeny - Yeah but you also forgot to mention than the stats show Manny outlanding Marquez in EVERY round except the 8th, so overall the judges did a great job and should all get a raise for not being La Raza dickheads and buying into the hype.

LOL, look again. Marquez out landed Pacquiao in Rounds 2,5,7,8 and 12 (5 rounds) and even in Round 3.

glupe - Boxing isn't solely based on punches landed/thrown. If it was then we'd have a computer doing all the judging. Ring generalship, agression and damage were all factors in this fight.

Marquez hardly showed ANY aggression, and showed about 0 ring generalship

Of course it isn't. But a discrepancy of 21 to 5 in total punches landed, and 15 to 5 in power shots is huge. Unless Pacquiao hurt Marquez badly in the round, there is no way he should win the round.

Fucking A, disregard this thread. Queeny posted the stats from Marquez/Pacquiao II, not last night's fight. Marquez still out landed Manny in Round 8, but only by two punches.

Actual Punch Stats for the fight:


fuck these judges, wtf fight were they watching???


hubris - fuck these judges, wtf fight were they watching???

I fucked up. I was looking at the stats Queeny posted and they were from Marquez/Pacquiao II from 2008, not last night's fight.

Last night Marquez did out land Pacquiao in Round 8, but only by a 13 to 11 margin

Vegas was protecting their interest... Floyd vs Pacman cash.

CAINtheBULL - Vegas was protecting their interest... Floyd vs Pacman cash.

Read the thread. Stats are from the 2nd fight Phone Post