Prove your old school

I’ve been watching fights way back when Ah-nuld was still a republican :rofl:

Igor Vovchanchyn had the weirdest one. Republica - Ready To Go.

Wanderlei had Curt Kobain in his corner

Sure was her & ShelbyGirl (Shelby Walker)

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  • My first live (attended) UFC was the Ultimate Ultimate '95

  • Was a monthly columnist for Grappling magazine.

  • Steve Jennum was my martial art instructor.


I don’t ask higher belts to roll


I’ve still got most of my blackbelt mags stashed somewhere in my house , mags from in the early to late 80s.

Yeah I’m old have a laugh lol.
I’m 46 and have been actively practicing a couple different martial arts since I was 11. Bruce Lee was a hero to me as was Chuck Norris as most of those mags had him on the cover or a article inside as was the man back then.

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I still have my fighter’s notebook somewhere.


I remember being 14 years old and watching UFC 5 on a scrambled channel in my room in 1995.

I ordered VHS tapes out of magazines and got bootlegs of Vale Tudo Japan and K-1.

I read Fighting Sports Newsletter and later Full Contact Fighter.

I originally joined (or was it fighting talk?) in 1998 or 1999. That was 23-24 goddamn years ago.

I remember listening to Eddie Goldman on and thinking I was onto some next level cutting edge technology.


“I will beat you into a living death”

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I remember y’all being obsessed with Supercalo. He was annoying as fuck though

Was Hammer’s Hammil The name of a poster we all thought was actually a UFC executive or employee who would post stories here?


Could have been either.

Kirik owned
Skillrules owned

Yes,good inside source.


He interviewed real fighters and I could listen live right on my desktop!

I just saw a picture of Shelby in a old issue of grappling, she was at one of the ironheart crown shows

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She had a super nice shot of her at the beach I believe.I can’t remember where I seen it.Maybe it was on a video.This is way back about 2002-2004 somewhere in there.

Here’s a picture of Shelby I have

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I saw GSP win the gold from Matt Hughes live.

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What breaks your heart. Sounds like you are a warrior dude. Good. You have lived, you will continue. Rock on man.

Viking squirrel funeral.

The guy complaining about the gay ads, only to realize after the fact that the ads were based off his own history. That shit was funny.

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