Put your money on Rick Lamas...

...because he got the best cornerman in the business.

Who? Greg Jackson?

Joe_Drogan420 - Who? Greg Jackson?

No, Jeff Neal.

xakx - 
Joe_Drogan420 - Who? Greg Jackson?

No, Jeff Neal.

The drummer from Boston?


Joe_Drogan420 - 
xakx - 
Joe_Drogan420 - Who? Greg Jackson?

No, Jeff Neal.

The drummer from Boston?


Wrong again, he actually plays guitar and does it very well too.

Great call broseph, good advice.

Should've listened! Phone Post


You can tell which fighter is going to win by the look on their face before the fight.

Look at that picture, both look Confident, calm and ready to fight!

GoodnightWorld - That picture is like 5 years old. Jeff Neal is no longer in Rick's corner. Mac Ramos and Daniel Valverde are in Rick's corner, as well as his striking coach from MMA Masters in Miami. This post was just to give Jeff Neal a bump using a picture from WEC? Lame.

Actually I had no idea, Jeff sent me the picture and told me to watch the fights that is all.

By the way, that open guard Rick did is exactly what one of the things Jeff has been teaching and Rick executed it well, notice how his opponent was helplessly on the ground not able to do anything.

Is Jeff Neal teaching at Carlsons in Chicago?

HanzoSword - Is Jeff Neal teaching at Carlsons in Chicago?


Jeff Neal was not in his corner on Saturday...

iGnarly - Jeff Neal was not in his corner on Saturday...

Yes I know now, thank you.

Jeff might have not been in ricks corner on Sat, but Rick still trains with jeff. The only losses rick has had was when he didn't train with jeff.. I had stumbled on this thread and would like to add that many ufc guys train or have trained with jeff and that jeff neal is probably the most under rated coaches out there and you will never hear the guy toot his own horn, unlike most. As stated in the above post that it was a Attempt to give jeff a bump? i think it was a great photo of rick as so does everyone else. As far as a bump goes, if anyone gave the bump it was Jeff to his fighters including rick. with out jeff, i highly doubt many of these guys would have even been recognized to compete in bellator never mind the ufc.

^ Good post, very true. I've known Jeff for 9 years now.

Stephan Bonnar and many others should be very thankful to him for what he has done for them.

If I had to pick one person to train with for the rest of my life I would pick Jeff Neal.