Van Zant family dinner,
How’s work going Paige.
Really good, making bank.
Her brother "Yeah I saw u blowing shampoo bubbles out Ur butt , I also counted
16 bicycle spokes around Ur butthole "
Paige, " I only have 14 spokes silly"
Brother “I still finished …”
Cousin: Your vag is deformed and runs up into your asshole
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Damn fella, that’s pretty brutal. You know that cousin loved it.
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PVZ is originally from Bakersfield.
Does anyone remember the Bakersfield massacre.
And the butcher of Bakersfield…
Move over Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The new butcher of Bakersfield is PVZ mangled pussy
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I dont know if this post was (humour) but do u really want to see Ur family members nekkid on the intawebz

It’s a shame we don’t get awesome movies like this, these days
I’d buy that fuuuuuuuuur a dolllllaaaaar
Back when I was 6-10 years old my parents let me watch all these classics…
But the 70/80’'s kids growing up, parents were not like the modern parents that babies these cunts and restricted them to “movie violence”
Yes they maybe had GTA, but then this new flock of Gaylord Gen Z’ers, are all faggits on a whole new level…
And imagine in 2024, I have to tell ppl,
“Forgive me, I’m old skool and only like women”…
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I wouldn’t go looking for them if there were. If PVZ’s family has seen em; thats on them.