
Ok, showing my age here a bit, but what the hell...

Many, many moons ago, Quincy Rice posted some pics here of a submission he was referring to at the time as the Q-Bone. For some strange reason, something recently reminded me of that, and I started thinking about it, and then realized I couldn't remember exactly how the Q-Bone was performed. And I can't find pics anywhere on the 'net.

So... anybody still have pics of that hold and feel willing to post them? Now that I've got this in my head, I know I won't quit thinking about it until I see it again.

The Q-Bone is not something that should be discussed on a public forum, IMO.

Gary Hughes

First rule about the Q- BONE. Don't talk about Q-BONE!

You guys are still as (not) funny as ever...

I think I finally remembered it anyway... but it would still be cool if somebody could post pics.

Whatever happened to Rice?

sprhodes...we may not be that funny, but we did keep your thread at the top and that's the thanks we get?

It is kinda of a reverse, inverted oil check...


sprhodes...we may not be that funny, but we did keep your thread at the top and that's the thanks we get?

Of course! This is the UG, what else would you expect!?!


The first step in the Q-Bone is to get yourself a nice big bottle of vodka...