Question: Best Seating At UFC Event

My wife and I are considering going to the UFC 159 in Newark. I've never been to a UFC event live. I'm thinking of buying us floor level ringside tickets. I'm just not sure that these are going to be good seats. I've been to two other MMA events live, one was a Bellator show at Temple University, the other was a regional show in NJ years ago. I bought floor seats for the Bellator show, but they were not worth it at all. I could only see the action when the fighters were on my side of the cage. I ended moving up a bit so that I could see look down into the cage a bit and get a better view of the far-side action. UFC is the big show and they may handle this a little better than the others but I'm not sure. Don't want to drop that much money and not love our seats. In the alternative, I can get lower level seats which, I assume are somewhat elevated, but not sure of that either. Any suggestions?

If you are cage side thats the best.

But floor level in the back sucks, better to be like first or second row up in the stands at the point.

i've been to a few events and i've only ever sat in the second level.. i kinda liked it just because you can see clearly whats going on in the cage and you dont have to look up to high to see the big screens.. but im thinking of paying a little more for some lowers for the UFC in San Jose event

I've gone to events at a few different arenas but always try to get seats in the same areas I think work the best. Looking at the set up for UFC 159, I'd say your best seats would be in sections 7,8,9,18,19,20. In my opinion, it provides the best view being centered, and in a section directly off the floor.

Don't get floor seats.

You don't wanna get stuck sitting behind Big Black and the even larger gentleman he associates with. Phone Post

10-15 rows up from the floor is the best area. You get a nice view down into the cage and can see everything clearly.

Unless you can get first 3-4 rows on the floor, don't get floor seats. With the floor seats in the back you will spend more time looking at the video screens than the cage.

I prefer lowel level seats. Close enough to the cage and seats are a level up from the floor to have a great view.

Then again, it depends on the venue. I've only been to MGM and Mandalay. With the Prudential Center, I think sections 7-9 or 18-20 would be the best. 

floor seats blow, 100 level at "50 yard line" are best

I remember listening to the JRE I think. Joe and company were talking about the best seats at the UFC events, if I remember correctly, he was saying that the best seats are the ones where you can see over the top of the cage  so you don't have any fencing obstruction and you get a clear view of the entire octagon.

I've only had floor seats at local shows, and except for when I was in the second row it was really hard to tell what was going on when the fight hit the mat.  In my opinion if you can get the front row of the lower level seats (not floor seats) that is the best in terms of watching the fights since you are elevated enough to see the action on the ground... don't get me wrong floor seats are great for meeting fighters/celebrities but it can be pretty hard to see the fight when you have to worry about the corners, cameramen, Skyscrape's hair, etc.

Kid Charlemagne - I'm surprised about the floor seats being bad. Is it bad cause the price is outrageous or is a view thing Phone Post

I've had as close as 4th row floor seats and I still preferred the first level risers over those.

I had 19th row floor seats too once and couldn't see shit but the fat drunk guy in row 18, who was shouting instructions to the fighters. Phone Post

4 later. Phone Post

The elevated floor level, it's a cage not a ring. I hated floor tics, now I enjoy more of the fight going a bit higher up. Phone Post

Thanks all. Confirmed what I suspected. Won't be dropping extra dough in lesser seats. Maybe take my kid to a dentist with the money I save. Phone Post

Kid Charlemagne - I'm surprised about the floor seats being bad. Is it bad cause the price is outrageous or is a view thing Phone Post

It's bc if the view. U have to constantly move so that u can see. Then if u want to stand up ur the asshole blocking everyone behind u.

Lower level is the best. Phone Post

Heed the advice re: floor seats in this thread. Also if the venue you're doing to has an upper deck layout the way Sacramento was for the WEC the first row upper deck is GREAT