QUESTION: bomba for BJJ

A friend and I were speaking about the bomba (steroid) usage within the pro and even amateur BJJ community. He told me that he has a lot of friends that use it in body building for gaining and cutting purposes. 

I asked him what sort of bombas he thinks the BJJ players use; however, he was unable to answer me. 

Me being the curious man that I am, I would like to know which sort of bombas help for BJJ training recovery. All I know are the names of the roids such as stanazol, winstrol, dianabol and etc. but I have no idea WTF they actually do. 

So, as I have asked before, which bombas are beneficial for BJJ post training recovery? 

Just take lots of clomid bro. You'll get swoll Phone Post

Why are you calling it bomba? Do you live in Brazil?

Dokkalfar - Why are you calling it bomba? Do you live in Brazil?

Why are you answering my question with a question? Multiples ones at that. 

Anyhoots, I wish I did tho.. eventually. We call it bomba because we like to joke about it at my club.

But it got me thinking, what are these BJJ players using? 

Jits_n_Hoez - 
Dokkalfar - Why are you calling it bomba? Do you live in Brazil?

Why are you answering my question with a question? Multiples ones at that. 

Anyhoots, I wish I did tho.. eventually. We call it bomba because we like to joke about it at my club.

But it got me thinking, what are these BJJ players using? 

In the modern steroid culture, what people are taking varies by what they can get their hands on.

In Brazil, they are probably using a wide variety of drugs simply because they are more easily available as they are in many manufacturing nations.

In the U.S., it varies based on whether users are getting it on the black market or whether they are getting theirs from a geriatric doctor.

If they are buying on the black market, they usually use whatever can be stolen or smuggled and use whatever they can i.e. veterinary drugs like stanozolol or equipoise are pretty common.

If they are getting it from a doctor, chances are are they are using something like a testosterone or HGH.

In general most steroids allow you to do the same thing: train harder for longer.

There are some minor differences such as water retention elimination with steroids like stanolozol but otherwise the differences are negligible for sports like BJJ unless you are really concerned about remaining in a specific weight class.

All that said, if you are considering using through the black market there is serious danger regarding counterfeit drugs.  Not to mention, steroid possession is a felony and in some jurisdictions is aggressively prosecuted.

In general, steroid use is a poor decision for those not at the highest levels of any sport but everyone has to make their own mistakes so caveat emptor.

In my jurisdiction, you will not be getting any breaks from guys like me if you get caught.


The law dawg hath spoken. Phone Post