Question in regards to visiting other schools

Sometime next year I'm going to be doing alot of traveling around the country for work. A few weeks here and there in the major cities.

If I do 2-4 weeks at a school like Saulo's, Shaolin's, Jacara's, HBJJ, etc...and they know i'm only visiting, will techniques be held back, will I be treated differently than regular students, will I even be allowed to do anything other than open mat?

I'd like to be honest with the schools rather than tell them I'm going to sign up for a month and then bounce on them.

Any school worth it's salt will be more then happy to have you there for a few weeks at a time, and not hold back on techniques or on helping you improve. As always, best thing is to email in advance, be up front and explain your situation, and you should have no problems.


On a related note, I'd be interested what is the standard practice for paying as a visitor when you'll be attending classes for a few weeks.

If the mat fee is something like $25 per class (or more), that can add up quickly if you go several times per week. Is there a compromise between being respectful and economical?

htownbjj - 
On a related note, I'd be interested what is the standard practice for paying as a visitor when you'll be attending classes for a few weeks.

If the mat fee is something like $25 per class (or more), that can add up quickly if you go several times per week. Is there a compromise between being respectful and economical?

depends on the school. A lot of places have a month to month, so just buy a month. Can't hurt to explain the situation and ask. Worst they could say is no, you have to pay the mat fee every time.

I've seen schools as cheap as free to $10 to $50.

If I was visiting one of the more expensive schools for at least two weeks and was planning to go 4-5 days per week, I would just pay the monthly rate...usually between $150 to $200.

Visited a Dave Camarillo affiliate in northern MN, they didn't charge me and had a great lesson and roll with Brock Larson. Learned a fun set up and Kimura series that brought that move back into relavence for my game.

At the time I was a brown belt and so was Brock, so he said he felt weird about charging.

This was a one time thing though, and I would have felt like I was taking advantage by not paying if I was there for a more extended period.

This was one of my most pleasant BJJ experiences.
I hope you have fun too.

I've visited several schools over the years, and honestly don't recall ever paying a mat fee. I've always offered, and the offer has always been rejected. In these circumstances, I have tried to buy a shirt, stick around to help mop the mats, or done something that would help the school in some small way.

If I were going to be sticking around for a few weeks, I think I would insist on paying something.

I rarely accept mat fees from a traveler stopping by, unless they'll be in for a few days.

I hold back all my secrets and feed the visitor to the wait, that's not it. I show them my favorite stuff and I ask if they have any difficulties that they'd like a second opinion on. I also have purple and blue belts who do the same.

As long as you stay humble and appreciative, you won't have any problems.

twinkletoesCT - I rarely accept mat fees from a traveler stopping by, unless they'll be in for a few days.

I hold back all my secrets and feed the visitor to the wait, that's not it. I show them my favorite stuff and I ask if they have any difficulties that they'd like a second opinion on. I also have purple and blue belts who do the same.

This is how I think it should be. It only makes BJJ better for everyone if this is how instructors act.

CJJScout - As long as you stay humble and appreciative, you won't have any problems.

roll 100% with everyone and go for heel hooks on higher belts. its how you earn respect as a visitor. then they know you are "game"

Last night, some guy walks in off the street literally an hour and fifteen minutes late and says "I'm just here to roll".

Teacher lets him.

He puts on his his gi, he's a white belt. rolls with some people. He was an intermediate beginner.

Teacher asks him where he is from, he says he trains at a school down the street.

Definitely annoyed the teacher.

Nice enough guy, but pretty clueless about etiquette.

Don't do that.

any other school ive ever trained at i felt like i was being accepted as one of their own, sometimes even receiving a nick name or something along those lines. ive actually never had anything other than good experiences training abroad.

then again im also not a spazz trying to "beat" everyone in the academy. the way i see it, when you treat people with respect and have respect for the art, the people will do the same for you.

shen - Last night, some guy walks in off the street literally an hour and fifteen minutes late and says "I'm just here to roll".

Teacher lets him.

He puts on his his gi, he's a white belt. rolls with some people. He was an intermediate beginner.

Teacher asks him where he is from, he says he trains at a school down the street.

Definitely annoyed the teacher.

Nice enough guy, but pretty clueless about etiquette.

Don't do that.

I had exactly this situation two weeks ago, except that it was 2 guys and they wanted to spar MMA. I said "not until you take some classes here," and then had them roll instead.

I've never had anything but great experiences visiing other places around the world; including schools in Cusco Peru, Brazil, the US and Canada. I'm evem looking to train when I visit Vietnam this summer.

I find that like everything else in life...if you treat people with respect and humility, they will generally do the same with you.

I always offer to pay a mat fee or buy a t-shirt to help support the place. Although I've only been charged a few times, it's a nice gesture.

come do a day or 2 at gracie torrance ,it wont cost u anything.just let me know

 I agree w/ the above posters. Act humble and appreciative and you will have a great experience. BJJ is great in that you have an opportunity to train wherever and make friends.

Thanks for the advice guys, being respectful on the mat is the only way I know how to be.

shen - Last night, some guy walks in off the street literally an hour and fifteen minutes late and says "I'm just here to roll".

Teacher lets him.

He puts on his his gi, he's a white belt. rolls with some people. He was an intermediate beginner.

Teacher asks him where he is from, he says he trains at a school down the street.

Definitely annoyed the teacher.

Nice enough guy, but pretty clueless about etiquette.

Don't do that.

What a clown. He basically came to use your students as a measuring stick. You should have told him to go enter a tournament or something.

12 - come do a day or 2 at gracie torrance ,it wont cost u anything.just let me know

Is that offer directed towards me? I'm in Northern Ca but do visit LA once or twice a year. Maybe in the fall, that would be great if I could visit, free or not. Thanks. Does Ed O'Neil roll with blue belts? Just curious, my life would be complete.

yes u

Cool. Thanks.