Question : New Diet

ill share my story first. k ive been a pretty clean eater for awhile now, except for like a meal a week.. so im training for a fight in a month and wanted to drop another 10 pounds or so. so i decided ill try a more of a pure protein diet. so i had a 10 hour shift at work today.

i ate 3 cans of raw tuna, handfull of lunch meat. i ate around every 2.5 hours. i also had 2 oatmeal packets for breakfest when i got up. i also take 4 "so trim" herbal supplment stacked with 2 ephedrine in that 10 hours at work.. anyways around 2-3 my body just crashed. it started to just ache and i felt like shit , almost like i was hungover. i almost said fuck work and went home but i didnt. so i came home and ate a pretty good supper and feel fine now.. anyone have any answers?

ephedrine Crash?