Quickest UG turn ever?

 For the past year Clay Guida was practically the most universally loved guy on here. Now everyone hates him because he didn't abandon his takedown attempts when Mac tried to fight them off; apparently Clay should have given up trying to work his strategy and instead just stood and brawled.

Fact is if Danzig hadn't fought the takedowns so hard, we'd have seen Mac working his blackbelt guard game and Clay dropping punches on the ground. Instead we saw them stalemated for most of the fight.  So blame Danzig. Better yet, don't blame either, because each guy tried to do his own thing and they nullified each other.


I like both fighters. I know Mac personally and I met Clay at the UFC and he was cool!

I enjoyed the fight..We have been spoiled by seeing Guidas nearly fight of the night/year fights previous. So Im sure those who are bitching are the ones that got really spoiled...but i thought it was a good battle between the two and other peeps should get over it...

And ya gotta love the Mac doing the double punch and landing it perfectly...there were several times where they were in the clinch and Mac would throw both hands and land them at the same time on either side of Guidas head...

Both will learn something from this and make there next fights just a tad bit better...

I like Mac and wanted him to win the fight. I thought his stand up looked tight and he brings a mature calm confidence to the cage with him. Clay won by non stop action, props goes to him as he always comes to fight. Not a big Clay fan until tonight when he showed a lot of class after the fight.

People get bent out of shape way too easy because X fighter didnt fight like a hurricane and get explosive results in a single fight.

Im assuming many people here have grappled before. Sometimes even when you are pressing the fight as a grappler, it dont look spectacular to the untrained eye but pressing a fight is still pressing a fight.

Offense > Defense.

Even the untrained eye should know this.

 I'm definitely upset with Guida, as I had money on Mac to win.  j/k.  I'd really like to see Guida put it together and finish a name guy in the division though.

Coulda gone either way imo.

I don't see what the complaining is about. That was about as hard a technical battle you can see.

Congrats to both for an awesome fight.

 I don't hate Guida...I just say he did absolutely nothing to try and finish that fight.  That was one of the biggest "blanket" strategy fights since Shamrock/Royce 2.  Tackling your opponent and/or hugging his knees the entire fight should NOT get you a win.  But Mac couldn't do anything either so I knew Clay would win the decision.

 Like them both and enjoyed the fight.

Mirko Crocop was EASILY the quickest and most violent reversal of favor on the UG.

 Wow, did people really complain about that fight???

You just got to take the W sometimes. I don't blame Guida for fighting a smart fight.

 "Tackling your opponent and/or hugging his knees the entire fight should NOT get you a win.  But Mac couldn't do anything"

I think the latter half of that sentence explains why in some situation tackling your opponent the entire fight SHOULD get you the win.

Mirko Crocop was EASILY the quickest and most violent reversal of favor on the UG."

At least Mirko had two back to back losses (in which he showed no hint of the strengths that made him a top guy) before being abandoned. Clay was everyone's favorite caveman, then after one WIN he's "the cure for insomnia"; "I'll never pay to watch him 'fight'"; etc.