Quitting weed is overrated imo

Been clean about 13 months. “Clean” should be in quotes imo.

I’ve only stopped due to contemplating a government job (never passed a drug test legit prior)

For me, I just drink more and have less fun. My life is pretty alright…normal struggles and the like… but I enjoy movies, sex, and generally winding down for the night with weed more…

Smoked it from 16-33 pretty much every night

I’m prob gonna start back soon (new higher paying job on the horizon) and never stop….

I literally see zero downsides as a motivated, professional, adult human. If you don’t have those things you can blame it on weed, but its not the weed imo…

I’ve been on both sides and i think its just good clean fun


To each his own. Personally I’m like the 180 opposite of you. I don’t do drugs and rarely drink. I enjoy things more when I’m clear headed. But like I said, to each his own.

I would recommend getting the new job first before starting up again. You never know if they’ll test you for anything.

Good luck with the job hunt

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If you want to get high, just do your thing. But to constantly talk about it is annoying.


You’re delusional to think they aren’t long-term deleterious effects, but you do you. I don’t smoke, and rarely drink, and I too (somehow) manage to have good clean fun - sober.

All drugs/vices are fine as long as you can handle your shit like an adult.

As long as you’re not going to work under the influence, it shouldn’t matter. This is a problem of technology and education. THC is easier to test through urine than blood. If you want to know if someone is high at this very moment, you would want a blood test. If you want to know if the person has ever smoked, you would use a urine test. The issue is that blood testing is expensive and not done unless certain circumstances have arisen like a suspected DUI.

Most people(courts, prosecutors, etc) think that a urine test is the same as a blood test, despite the fact they’re looking for two different things. A urine test is better suited for probation. A blood test is better suited for an instant result like a car crash.

Now that there are states whom have legalized Marijuana. A urine test is useless to them. It won’t tell them anything other than what the law says and that’s marijuana consumption is now legal. If there were a test to immediately detect Marijuana use, this wouldn’t even be a discussion. It should be handled in the exact same way alcohol is treated.

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Someone’s mad I am working on million dollar chillers making more than them ( safe average to say of course unknown) blazed as a motherfucker. Even teaching other people how. I won’t let them get high because they don’t know how to do it yet. Learn right the first time then modify it to your own way

Yup, you’re blazed

You aren’t? Of course not squares who play grammar police don’t know how to enjoy things.

Due to the average, and my current salary. It is a safe assumption to make

Problem with weed is that the majority of ppl who smoke thinks it makes them smart but in reality in makes them into lazy douchebags. Some are okay and get shit done but many of the people
I’ve come across that smoke every day multiple times a day ain’t exactly monuments of discipline and they sure as fuck ain’t the most mentally stable people in the world.


You don’t get it. Bragging about training people, you’re so on top of it etc. Yet, you can’t string together a coherent sentence. Does it ever occur to you that maybe you’re not the top trainer you allege and are too blitzed to see it ?

None so blind as those that will not see.

Mad? LOL! I don’t think you know who you’re talking to. I have no issue with Marijuana or those that use it. I would say the same thing to someone who came into work drunk. Have some respect for those that employ you.

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