Racists don't like Kevin Lee

seekmurph -

I agree racists probably don't like Kevin Lee, but that doesn't mean you are racist of you don't like him

Assuming the racist was white right?

Just because someone doesn't likes black people doesn't make them racist. 

Yeah probably, also non-racist don’t like him too I’m sure 

Fuck OP. Scumbag

I don’t like Kevin Lee but he’s a force in the UFC Lightweight division.  

duckhuntgangsta -

Just because someone doesn't likes black people doesn't make them racist. 


I assume you're trolling... if not, how old are you? 

The Lion King -

As a Bernie Sanders supporter I can't help but to think Kevin Lee would have a lot more fans if he were white like myself. It was absolutely DISGUSTING to hear all those racists in the crowd chanting "stand them up" in an attempt to sway the ref into robbing Lee of a win. If you are a tribalistic moron who cheers for fighters based on skin tone then that's one thing. But don't buy tickets to events just to chant like racist savages and attempt to interfere your racism into fights by swaying the ref into making a racist decision. Kevin Lee is a warrior with a dazzling personality and the reason he has so many haters is because racists hate to see a black man on top. 

That was pretty braindead. Look into the use of wit and being less obvious next time you want to employ sarcasm.

Also, stop whining.

Lmao - how about I think he would have a lot more fans if he wasn’t a tool. 

jkd4200 - 

Racist people don’t like anyone that’s not white   

What’s the news?

You do know not all racists are white?

dunc -
jkd4200 - 

Racist people don’t like anyone that’s not white   

What’s the news?

You do know not all racists are white?

Incorrect, haven’t you heard? Only whites can be racist.

Lee is probably a closet cracker hater... he should happy enough with his huge dong (hes black )

and that his GH injection lumps disapeared 

Op is just another race baiting loser.

Noting to see here

I stopped reading right after “as a Bernie Sanders supporter”

i think he is a douche. must be racist then...

duckhuntgangsta -

Just because someone doesn't likes black people doesn't make them racist. 


The Lion King -

As a Bernie Sanders supporter I can't help but to think Kevin Lee would have a lot more fans if he were white like myself. It was absolutely DISGUSTING to hear all those racists in the crowd chanting "stand them up" in an attempt to sway the ref into robbing Lee of a win. If you are a tribalistic moron who cheers for fighters based on skin tone then that's one thing. But don't buy tickets to events just to chant like racist savages and attempt to interfere your racism into fights by swaying the ref into making a racist decision. Kevin Lee is a warrior with a dazzling personality and the reason he has so many haters is because racists hate to see a black man on top. 

You’re a fucking race baiter. 

I don’t like Kevin lee because he talks to fucking much. Ran out of time and missed making weight because he doesn’t shut the fuck up. 

Not to mention he lost a title fight by a fucking triangle choke. Can’t stand losses by that submission

The Lion King - 

As a Bernie Sanders supporter I can't help but to think Kevin Lee would have a lot more fans if he were white like myself. It was absolutely DISGUSTING to hear all those racists in the crowd chanting "stand them up" in an attempt to sway the ref into robbing Lee of a win. If you are a tribalistic moron who cheers for fighters based on skin tone then that's one thing. But don't buy tickets to events just to chant like racist savages and attempt to interfere your racism into fights by swaying the ref into making a racist decision. Kevin Lee is a warrior with a dazzling personality and the reason he has so many haters is because racists hate to see a black man on top. 

What does your support of a racist have to do with the rest of your post?

i like lee, but can't stand jones. where do i fit in on the racism spectrum?

people dont even try anymore.........................