Raja Jackson Dominates (Rampage Jr)

Rampage Ngannou?

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Quinton did move up to HW these daze

Raja vs Grant Hills Daughter or Wands Son LOL

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Jesus fucking christ…

Tag team match.

Matt Hughes’ son is also coming along. Currently 4-0 and in LFA.

(The name seems to be because it’s a son from outside his marriage whose mother gave him her name)

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damn cool

I never believed rampage and Tito would fight. They seem tight and it would need to be for a legit paycheck that neither is going to get at this point in their career. And if they did, I would kind of expect a glorified sparing match.

Side note, remember when Dana told rampage not to take the A-Team movie role and it wouldn’t lead to an acting career… lol! The man was right again!!!

You don’t remember the bout was scheduled in Bellator?

I was amped for this! 10 years ago! Fuck sakes!!

Rampage and little D