Raja Thai Gloves??

Retiring my 16oz Twinz White/Flame gloves and looking to replace them with another brand, just to try it out.

Anyone have any experience with the Raja gloves? Probably going to have 18oz made.

Any info helps.


I have a pair of Raja 14oz and really like them. Comfortable fit and very well made. Bought a pair of top king at the same time and much prefer the Raja. The top king force your hand closed too much and hands can get quite sore after wearing for a long time. Phone Post

I am looking at Raja, Top King and Windy


I have a pair of barely used 16oz Boon and Cleto Reyes gloves for sale.

I think you would love the Boons. Some of the best gloves I ever used, but a little too big for me to use.

Can you post a link to them?