Yeah yeah Glover destroys him I've heard it a million times but still!!
i think he beats glover actually
Daverr -
i think he beats glover actually
I think its 50/50 I would love Page to win. But most people give me shit when I say that.
I think page KO s him
burner22 - I think page KO s him
This. No debate
Looked really quick at the end of the video.
Page by ass whoopin
Hoping for an old rampage style KO. Would love to see it one last time before he packs it in.
rampage lost me, if theres 1 fighter that screams big hype no follow thru. its rampage.
stick to acting mr .t v 2.0
not hating, he was the man in pride but he sold out. just be real for fuck sakes
aint about fighting or championships its about dollars now. be real
BoilerBrawnByBeatdown - he's gonna KO badly like he did to Hamill....oh wait
but seriously, he's gonna KO him like he did to Rashad....oh wait
in the end he will definitely KO him like he did to Bader....aww shit!
none of them are aggressive like glover