Rampage/Wand SN Bet ?

 I'll take Rampage for a 1 month SN bet with any blues?

Motion -  I'll take Rampage for a 1 month SN bet with any blues?

 I'll take Wand, brother...

 Done deal my man.

You have a name in mind yet, lol?

lol, nice pic.  Not yet...i'll prob need some suggestions. 

 I have my perrenial favorite....but, I might have to take some suggestions, as well....keep it interesting...

Very Un-UG-like.

I'm impressed.

Immaculata - Very Un-UG-like.

I'm impressed.

 Lol...how's that?

 Oh, by the way, Motion....

I won't be able to watch the PPV until Wednesday, as I'm going to be out of town....I'm gonna stay off the forum (and probably the internet altogether, lol) unti I watch it...if Wand loses, I didn't want Sunday..then Monday...then Tuesday, and so on to roll around, and you think I was backing out....

So, either way....we can settle up and the loser send an e-mail to Kirik on Thursday to let him know about the name change.


 Sure, that's fine with me. 

Any help with this cats new SN........

Ahh, Motion, another visionary. Congratulations on swimming against the sea of bias and emerging the victor.


 I got my name for you .....

Matbattle Creator


Damn left hook!!!

Lol.....I'll e-mail Kirik and let him know....


 I e-mailed Chris, so the changeover should be shortcoming.....

Good call on the fight....I thought if Wand took the same approach that Forrest took, that he'd have a pretty good chance....and I thought he did for the first couple of minutes, especially with the leg kicks and the counter striking....I thought he was looking good, and kept telling the people that were watching with me that if Wand kept it up, didn't revert to his old aggressive self, and didn't overextend himself, that he should pull off the trifecta.....

....but Rampage baited him in perfectly, and finished beautifully.

Damn...that's the first screen name bet I've ever lost....Congrats, lol :-)


 I see that your name came through.  Enjoy it and be proud!

 test 2