Rampage "you're going to miss me"

Dana "I already miss you buddy"

Dana said rampage walked out saying that. Phone Post

At the press conference Phone Post

gamer - I do miss the roided out PRIDE Rampage, but thats about it

The Glover fight was the first exciting fight Rampage has been in in a long time

And besides that,

Rampage hasnt finished anyone relevant in a long long time

Wish you all the best in the future Rampage

But go take your shitty attitide and constant excuses to another org!

Good riddance Whampage

Exactly Phone Post

i was surprised he was able to get up and avoid getting submitted by glover, he was clearly in better shape and healthy compared to the bader fight but still didn't look good enough to beat a up and coming fighter.

I think he looked good, he will see how bad it is outside the ufc and come back. Phone Post

BJJkilla - i was surprised he was able to get up and avoid getting submitted by glover, he was clearly in better shape and healthy compared to the bader fight but still didn't look good enough to beat a up and coming fighter.

I was surprised too. I thought he looked better in this fight than he has in a long while. Yep, you're right - tonight he was outgunned by an up-and-comer.

Nope. Ug news feed has been unbearable w the shit hes been saying all week. If he didnt run his mouth the way he did for his last few fight id probably be sad. Phone Post

remember when.Glover said he would stand with rampage? yeah... Phone Post

Dana was really mature about that shit, he's not letting Rampage draw him into an extended war of words.

You almost get the sense that he feels like he lost a friend.





Dana was really mature about that shit, he's not letting Rampage draw him into an extended war of words.

You almost get the sense that he feels like he lost a friend.




Hocky Balboa -

Dana was really mature about that shit, he's not letting Rampage draw him into an extended war of words.

You almost get the sense that he feels like he lost a friend.




Legit. Phone Post

Cat Shannon - So tired of the Rampage-bashing around here.

I miss this version of Rampage


I want to see a gif of when rampage turned his back to glover an ate a big punch, I thought he was done for sure Phone Post

gamer - I do miss PRIDE Rampage, but thats about it

The Glover fight was the first exciting fight Rampage has been in in a long time

And besides that,

Rampage hasnt finished anyone relevant in a long long time

Wish you all the best in the future Rampage

But go take your shitty attitide and constant excuses else where!

Good riddance Whampage

Sometimes, the 3rd post on a thread is the best one;)

