Rampage's thoughts on Shogun/Machida

i agree with Rampage it really does seem like a double standard for sure! both of those fights were extremely close and should BOTH have had imediate rematch for sure!!

Kimbos Beard - 
KneeUppercut - Rampage is one brain cell away from becoming a walking monkey.

As opposed to other monkeys which we all know are immobile....

He is just a typical suburban white boy who thinks its normal to call a black man a monkey. Cuz thats exactly what that idiot did!

Rampage seems pissed! lol I think there is probably some validity to what he says. However, it also seems like he is not taking any responsibility for himself either.

There have been several public incidents that have made me question his character, including his portrayal on TUF. However, as I don't know the man personally (and don't really know all the behind the scenes info on those events) I will withhold judgement until I at least meet the guy face to face. In the meantime, I still think he's a great fighter and want to see him fight again.

No , Dana never said there would be a rematch. Even before his breakdown.

DannyOcean - 
OzLoco - Not even Rampage could possibly believe the stuff he's sprouting these days.

Here's two situations I choose not to take advice from:

1. The cast and crew of "The A Team" in regards to MMA.

2. Rampage Jackson in regards to leg kicks.

Finish the movie and get back in the Octagon against Rashad.

Rampage after the Forrest fight: "Leg kicks! Leg kicks don't mean shit! The challenger can't beat the champ just based on some leg kicks!

Rampage after Shogun/Machida: "Shogun won that fight! Look at those leg kicks! He beat the champion based on his awesome leg kicks!"

Hypocrisy, thy name is Quinton...
Retard, thy name is DannyOcean. You have just won the site's championship title for king w/ the shittiest reading comprehension.


It wasn't a boring fight and FRAT the rest

 Rampage has got to be the most sensitive guy in the sport.

NVHighRoller - 

The UFC needs to get some new judges before I even think about coming back.

So he's already starting to change his tune and contemplate coming back.

So, he is saying Wes Sims dropped that fight on purpose?

LOL at Rampage.  He really thinks the UFC controls the judging?  Another case where he's complaining to the wrong people:

A) CSAC about the judges

B) Himself for how he acted on the show.  If you don't act like a douche then people won't think you are one.  Editing doesn't change what he did/didn't do on the show, and just because you acted good part of the time doesn't make up for the bad.

C) Himself about being fake, because you don't call others fake if you're the one who wants to call himself a fighter yet you withdraw from a fight you said you wanted so bad, would KO Rashad, hosted in your hometown, etc.

Come on Rampage.  I was a big fan but your continued emotional, erroneous rants are getting old.

lifeaftrprison - 
Kimbos Beard - 
KneeUppercut - Rampage is one brain cell away from becoming a walking monkey.

As opposed to other monkeys which we all know are immobile....

He is just a typical suburban white boy who thinks its normal to call a black man a monkey. Cuz thats exactly what that idiot did!

You do black people a disservice when you assume that he is referring to the color of Rampage's skin when he calls him a monkey. Rampage's actions make this a legitimate claim, color of his skin has nothing to do with it.

Oh, and the irony of your statement is awesome.

Sounds like someone's been hitting the energy drinks a bit hard again

Really rampage.. thats what embarrassed you? http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00532/rampsx_682x400_532203a.jpgget the fuck out

Rampage is just a stupid guy.
Good thing he can fight... cause he isn't smart enough for anything else.

Massa - So, he is saying Wes Sims dropped that fight on purpose?

In Rampages blog, he referenced Wes Shivers, not Wes Sims, losing by decision in a fight that Shivers controlled but ate several leg kicks.

Leghound - Sounds like someone's been hitting the energy drinks a bit hard again

LOL this

WOW Rampage is like seriously a mental retard w/ a massive intellectual inferiority complex. Hes just fuckin stupid, hes been in this sport how many years, is a former world champ, but for some reason doesnt undertsand that the UFC has NOTHING to do with the judges.

2 months ago you were all on here blowing the guy lol


I would say Rampage is looking like an asshole

likatiga - 
lifeaftrprison - 
Kimbos Beard - 
KneeUppercut - Rampage is one brain cell away from becoming a walking monkey.

As opposed to other monkeys which we all know are immobile....

He is just a typical suburban white boy who thinks its normal to call a black man a monkey. Cuz thats exactly what that idiot did!

You do black people a disservice when you assume that he is referring to the color of Rampage's skin when he calls him a monkey. Rampage's actions make this a legitimate claim, color of his skin has nothing to do with it.

Oh, and the irony of your statement is awesome.

Sorry , but I guarantee you that is what he was saying. If you dont see that than pfft! And there is no Irony, 90% of the tards on this forum are suburban white guys! Not ironic a fact!

it's hard to edit someone to look like an asshole unless they're acting like one. maybe Rashad is fake, but you were being "real" and you looked like a "real" asshole on the show. they didn't overdub your voice or put a stunt double, did they? so those were your words, your actions, and your attitudes the entire time. just live up to it. and now you're justifying your jump from the sport by planting seeds of mistrust, but if you want out, you don't have to explain it to us, dude. you don't need to make excuses. and you can cuss me up and down till your face is blue, because i don't really care either. in the immortal words of Malcom X "cussing is what you do when you don't have the proper words to say what's on your mind". and this A-team movie better f@cking RIP because I loved that show growing up and Mr. T. is one of my personal heroes. Don't eff this up, Rampage.