Randleman Returns Against Whitehead

                <p><p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="randleman.jpg" src="http://www.5thround.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/randleman.jpg" /></p>

Controversial MMA vet Kevin Randleman will be ending his 13-month hiatus to take on Mike Whitehead on Strikeforce’s June 6th event. (Read More…)

                    <a href="http://www.5thround.com/05082009/news/3379/randleman-returns-against-whitehead/" target="_blank">more &raquo;</a>

I'm excited as hell to see this, I miss Randleman & haven't seen him fight in a very long time

One of the least evolved MMA fighters of all times!

I would rather watch kevin than machida. I want to see this fight

2 words...financial advisor.

tenchu - One of the least evolved MMA fighters of all times!


Suspect that frederic is correct. I doubt Randleman will look the same here in the drug tested sanctioned us. I HOPE IM WRONG. I would reaaly like to see him win the fight.

Not going to miss it, this card is great

That picture has a ton of ROMO potential.

increase the panic - in an almost completely no romo way, look at his fookin' thighs.

not human.

He looks like good eatin, throw that fucker on the grill, I could go for some BBQ Randleman legs......

Randleman has always puzzelled me, all the potential in the world with zero evolution? There is that point when your are banging your head against the wall when you realize it feels good when you stop, only he never did.

Hey speaking of Hammerhouse, what ever happened to that lanky bastard that Mir beat up, Sims was it?

 OH SHIT!!!!

I will be there with bells on!

Kevin has already failed drug testing once...

tenchu - One of the least evolved MMA fighters of all times!
I still would not want to piss off Randleman.


 I wish we could still get strikeforce event dvds.

Kevin will surprise everyone, when he immediately shoots for a double-leg takedown.

Kevin via zombified urine rage!

Whitehead has nothing for Randelman...Kevin by whatever he wants..

Randleman by gogoplata


increase the panic - 
Juijitsuboxer - Kevin has already failed drug testing once...

this is a completely fabricated (and racist) lie.

he did not fail.

he had merely been bitten by a radioactive dog, thus gaining its powers (and urine).

Did everyone miss this post? LMFAO!!! That last line is one of the greatest of all time!!!