Random Testing Caught Overeem

Weight cutting has a negative effect on ur T levels.
Over training has a negative effect on T levels.
So I see no prob when athletes use TRT Phone Post 3.0

"Yes, but it's the range of an 18-24 year old"


" it does give him a massive advantage during training and recovery and therefore during the fight."

Since you don't know what his levels are, or what his opponents' levels are, how did you reach the conclusion that his levels are far above theirs to give him a "massive advantage"?

"Anyone know what the acceptable limits for someone on TRT? Is it higher than regular people? "

It's not higher than regular people. Probably varies from one AC to the other. Kizer said everyone on a TUE in a Nevada fight has come in in the 600s for all their tests.

As you can see from this study, that puts them right in line with the median for the average joe. http://s682.photobucket.com/user/Super_2nd_Chance/media/test1-1.jpg.html

So where's the "massive advantage"?