Random Testing Caught Overeem

Everyone knows this by now, Keith Keizer caught his ass by a random test.

This without a doubt would would be the logical approach to testing Vitor, if they actually want to catch him that is. But instead they've chosen a scheduled approach, not shady at all.

the vast majority of professional athletes use some type of PED, i doubt MMA is below the average. Your performance directly affects the earning potential of a very short career. I don't support it but as a fan, i accept it as what it is. Just my $0.02. Phone Post 3.0

Vitor tests himself with his own doc. Hopefully if he fights in the US then he will be random tested in the US and Brazil beforehand, it's clear they have not as yet.

"This without a doubt would would be the logical approach to testing Vitor, if they actually want to catch him that is. But instead they've chosen a scheduled approach, not shady at all."

Who is "they"?

the guys is tested regularly.
He is actively TRYING to ensure he is within the range. If he is getting tested weekly or even twice weekly I seriously doubt he is receiving any extra benefit above those of having healthy T levels.

dannyapodaca - 
Rambo John J -

they wanted to pop reem


Exactly. Phone Post 3.0

Quoted for truth.

There used to be a lot of ways to stay on and not get caught. I'm not up to speed on current protocols, but I do know without doubt PED's are here to stay.

Anyone who knows anything about it will say the same thing. Personally, I'd like to see the limits taken off fighters. Let them be the judge. To much muscle, no cardio. To much cardio, not enough strength.

It's not like American Football or Soccer. It's a combination of cardio, speed and power involved in almost every fight and technique, so it's somewhat self regulating. I still believe the large majority of fighters have to use to compete at a high level, so why not just get used to it.

The only testing allowed should be done during the formative years and into college. When boys become men, leave the man alone and let him do what he needs to do to compete. It's not like a situation in which the PED's make the fighter. The PED's just help.

As for Reem, He lost some because of it, he gassed out. It looks like he cut back, and looked good against Mir. I know styles make fights but would roided to the gills Reem make it through the 3rd? Did TRT help Mir take a shot, or become strong enough to overpower Reem?

You do not understand PEDs. This is not simply a matter of high school kids taking steroids to help recovery to build muscle mass. Cycling is a good example where PEDs are used for cardio. Phone Post 3.0

God tests Vitor as he tests us all.

Rambo John J - 

they wanted to pop reem


kizer had indeed a special kind of love for THE REEM

Koga - You do not understand PEDs. This is not simply a matter of high school kids taking steroids to help recovery to build muscle mass. Cycling is a good example where PEDs are used for cardio. Phone Post 3.0

If you're referring to me, I do understand PED's for cardio. EPO, blood doping is common, as is attitude training, chambers, ect. I was expressing that a balance has to be attained for each individual. That's why I mentioned soccer with football. football is more power and explosive, soccer and of course cycling are more cardio oriented. Fighters have to have a more balanced approached than either.

PED's also include pain killers and stims. There's to much on the banned list IMO. My point is that there should not be a banned substance list. Let each man find that balance without fear of losing money if caught. PED's don't make the athlete they simply help, or hurt if not used correctly.

Stea1th - I believe everything vitor says. He seems like a honest dude Phone Post 3.0
Come on guys, Vitor tests himself so that he knows he's not cheating. Brazil recently started to do this with schooling and are getting amazing results. Phone Post 3.0

Abusers gone abuse Phone Post 3.0

The problem isn't he is going over levels, he is staying within the limit. That is not what people are arguing about, its TRT in general to reverse the effects of his prior steroid abuse. Phone Post 3.0

Musashi - 
UGCTT_CrestRio - The problem isn't he is going over levels, he is staying within the limit. That is not what people are arguing about, its TRT in general to reverse the effects of his prior steroid abuse. Phone Post 3.0

You don't know that.

Getting punched in the head for close to two decades can fuck up T levels too.

I never said I agreed with it, personally I don't care. If its within the rules, its within the rules. Do I think its unfair, yes I do, but there is no rule for it right now, so its all fair play.

I was pointing out why people are pissed about it

YouCantHandleMyRiddum - 
dannyapodaca - 
Rambo John J -

they wanted to pop reem


Exactly. Phone Post 3.0

Quoted for truth.

Vitor was popped by the NSAC and then skipped out on his suspension by fighting in the UK 6 months later.

if there was ever an ax to grind....

Even if Vitor was randomly tested every month and passed, nobody would hear about it.

If he said it in an interview, nobody would believe him. Phone Post 3.0

time traveling 12er - 

As I understand it the random tests aren't that random and are easy to get around.  People harping on Vitor need to wise up and realise if Vitor wanted to go roid crazy he could just cycle and avoid tests like everyone else.  The TRT exemptions just make it harder for him to cheat since he gets tested more often and puts a spotlight on him.  My guess is that the TRT exemption's range is generous enough that he can stick to them and still gain a hefty advantage and he doesn't have to worry about cycles and peaking at the right time.  He may be the cleanest he's ever been in his career.

the 'random' tests nevada did, were at UFC press conferences. hardly random. they also tested carwin/nelson at a ufc press conference. 

El Ninja - the vast majority of professional athletes use some type of PED, i doubt MMA is below the average. Your performance directly affects the earning potential of a very short career. I don't support it but as a fan, i accept it as what it is. Just my $0.02. Phone Post 3.0
Not just the financial implications but also the physical ones. The grueling pace of training, conditioning and sleep is very difficult to keep up with for long periods of time. Once you get an injury or 2, it really starts to get tough to do.

I know of one fighter who trains so smart that he never gets injured. He has a smooth style, eats like a scientist, and continually gets stronger doing strength and conditioning. He trains boxing, thai boxing, wrestling and gi bjj and obviously mma. Hes smoking dudes in the ring right now and is very much on his way to the ufc. Hes earned championship belts in several orgs since he was an ammy. And currently holds 2 belts at 145 lbs. Phone Post 3.0

I should have been clear about the fighter above. I brought him up because hes so well trained and eats right that he never has to juice. He never gets injured and trains smart as hell. Its really cool to see. Phone Post 3.0