Randy and Brock InsideFighting Q&A


Randy Couture and Brock Lesnar Q&A

November 11, 2008

By InsideFighting

UFC heavyweight champion Randy Couture and challenger Brock Lesnar recently sat down to speak with InsideFighting Editor Elias Cepeda. Read what they both have to say about wrestling, youth and experience before UFC 91 this Saturday.

 Randy and Brock discuss different wrestling styles, youth vs. experience and more in this short interview. Hope you all enjoy it!

 Thanks for sharing, Elias.

 Thanks for reading DFF!

Nice, only those 2 questions though?

They were good though, thank you!

 Just those for now Diaz but we'll have profiles on each guy individually comingup later this week so please stay posted! New questions, new answers from both fighters!

tttoo shorttt

 lol. thanks for reading Van! Like I said, we'll have tons more on both guys and all of UFC 91 as the week goes on


Thanks Elias. TTT

 No problem bulldog, thanks for reading!



 Thanks Kirik and Gabe!

Good read!

 glad you enjoyed it xakx!
