Rate the TUF coaches!

Best: Tito Ortiz, Jens Pulver

Worst: Ken Shamrock

Ken sucks shit as a coach and it churns my innards knowing that he's coaching a team in the IFL. At least it's his own stable that he's giving his tired and bad advice to. Imo, Guy Mezger, Tiger White, etc would have done their careers a great service by leaving years ago. I respect their loyalty, but Ken has really limited their advancement in this sport.

Season 1:  Chuck wins.

Season 2:  Hughes wins Welter, Franklin wins Middle

Season 3: Ortiz Wins

Season 5: Pulver Leads 5-1 so already it is decided.

Chuck beat Tito 2x...soo......

Chuck Wins.

Pulver looks like he's training his guys harder than any other coach on the shows so far.

Here's my ranking of coaches from best to worst.

  1. Tito Ortiz

  2. Jens Pulver

  3. Matt Hughes

  4. Chuck Liddell

  5. Randy Couture

  6. Rich Franklin

  7. BJ Penn

  8. Ken Shamrock

Honorable Mention: Steak and Chicken Guy

"1. Tito Ortiz

  1. Jens Pulver

  2. Matt Hughes

  3. Chuck Liddell

  4. Randy Couture

  5. Rich Franklin

  6. BJ Penn

  7. Ken Shamrock "

i think this order is good although I think BJ Penn could move up a little after these next two fights. Jens has been purposely staying away from BJ's best fighters. On top of that, BJ really tried with guys like Andy Wang and Rob Emerson but they just refused to listen.

BJ really isn't that bad, we should wait until the season is over before rnaking him. If his fighters don't listen to him enough thats not his fault. I also thought Couture was a better coach than Liddell in my opinion.

I find it hard to tell who out of all 5 seasons is the best coach on the limited time we get to see them.Also it doesn't seem to me that it is just one coach on each season as they come in with a team.

Also last season there was 3 coaches working with both teams.As far as picking Jens over BJ as far as who's team has more wins is crazy.Alot of it is luck of the draw on who you pick.Also Jens had the first evaluation and worked the piss out of the guys then BJ couldn't even get a workout out of the guys as they were too tired.

If you want to see who is the best coach out of Jens or BJ judge them by howmany guys they get to the final 4.Also how can you critize BJ as a coach when Wang wouldn't even do what he was told.

Coaches I would like to train under would be all of them except Shamrock.

I would choose the one that could best better my style of fighting.

So I would go with Hughes,Couture,BJ,Tito and Jens.

However I really don't (other then Ken)think there has been a bad coach.

Honourable mention goes to GSP.

you do realize the reality of the evaluation was BJ got 8 and i got 8 and we swapped, i didnt get all 16 right off the bat, i got bj's group after he had em first. he got mine.

You swapped?! When did this happen? After all the first-round fights were done?

No Jens I didn't realize that.

Also I have to say that by picking who is the best fighters after only 3-4 hours of evaluateing is pretty tough.Corey Hill should not have been picked first by you though.Maybe in a couple of years after training with you and Jeremey Horn.

I still think the top 4 guys are Lauzon,Wiman,Diaz and Gray.

Spoxjox Jens was answering this post.

"As far as picking Jens over BJ as far as who's team has more wins is crazy.Alot of it is luck of the draw on who you pick.Also Jens had the first evaluation and worked the piss out of the guys then BJ couldn't even get a workout out of the guys as they were too tired."

Okay, yeah. Duh. He was talking about the initial evaluation.

What I don't get is why any of the fighters on tuf 5 would have raised their hands that first day. I understand BJ Penn is an amazing fighter, but Pulver trains with one of the best camps in the world.

It's not like bj was going to be able to teach them to be freakishly flexible, or to have natural striking power like he has. Nor was he going to be able to teach them how to be a "prodigy". He's an amazing talent, but a lot of his gifts are not exactly things he can pass on to other fighters.

I can certainly understand wanting to train with bj. What I can't understand is the aversion to training with Jens. Seems like a win/win to me and I'm suprised anyone would raise their hand and state that they want nothing to do with Jens.

Both are great coach's with a wealth of knowledge but I imagine like everyone on this forum the fighters have opinions on who they would like and not like.I do however feel as much as I like BJ it was disrespectfull to Jens.

The first seven were/are all excellent. It would be an honor to train with any of them.

I do not like guys-in any sport I've played-who "overcoach" during the actual event. When a coach yells instructions throughout the event-I begin to tune them out some. A few important points-not non-stop yelling.

  1. Ken Shamrock-at least how the show portrayed him.

"you do realize the reality of the evaluation was BJ got 8 and i got 8 and we swapped, i didnt get all 16 right off the bat, i got bj's group after he had em first. he got mine."

So pretty much they edited the evaluations to make it look like Jens tired the guys out before BJ saw then, when really this wasn't the case.

I would say that from we've seen, Matt Hughes has been the best coach. It looked like he worked his guys the hardest, and had the most structured workouts.

Matt and Tito and Jen seems to have great training.

Ken is the worst. He didn't show for 1 one of the sessions.

I see a lot of excuse makers here for BJ. Matt Hughes never got this kind of slack.