Razor Rob & Lexxi Tyler's Crib

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                            <h3><a href="/go=news.detail&gid=179019" target="_blank">
                                Razor Rob & Lexxi Tyler's Crib

                        <a href="/go=news.detail&gid=179019" ><img class="photo" src="http://img.mixedmartialarts.com/method=get&rs=60&q=75&x=58&y=89&w=245&h=130&ro=0&s=CCCE4EFD-1D09-6BFC-E5DA66FCC81061D9.jpg" /></a>

                            <strong class="ArticleSource">[cagepotato.com]</strong>

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New-Find1.gif picture by deucebigalowmalegigolo

Just sayin...

Why does UG News make a thread about something that already clearly exists? Atleast be the first to post it, or just search and don't post at all. What is the point of this?

why does she talk like a weirdo

probably something to do with having thousands of cocks jammed down your throat throughout your life...drugs probably a part of it also

I used to really like Razor Rob, but ever since he started banging that whore and fighting like a bitch I have lost some love.

Rough life. =)