i got socked in the back of the head, but not too bad. I think the guy who got in the worst was the guy who got backhanded by biggie. the guy must have been 60.
you'll see that Isip is a true warrior but the fight should have been stopped when he got knocked out the first time. You will also see that Carlos Cline should have won!
cline should not have won, as his "pushing away with his foot on sandull's chest" was too close to up-kicking - which is illegal. he was even penalized for it at one point.
Hey Kirik.Good time last Sat.Yeah,those clowns at Reality Fighting were acting up all night.Calling one fighter a fag for praying before his fight,throwing stuff in the ring,etc.They were warned multiple times by security,and refused to settle down.But they changed their tune when they started getting thier asses kicked.Once they received the Biggie elbow,it was complete panic.Other than that,everyone was fine.Great fights that night.