reason why florian is better than rogan

GNPfan - Listening to Rogan is like watching the fights with my best fight fan friend.


Kenny is good, Mir is very good, but Rogan is great.

Built Like A Fedor - I'd rather keep Kenny AND Rogan..

Get rid of Goldberg. It's seems all he ever does is misidentify grappling holds and make goofy faces at the camera.

Now THAT sounds like a good idea!! Kenny's technical commentary is great, and Rogan provides the excitement and humor. Cut out the fat that is Goldberg and you have an informative and enjoyable announcing team.

slagathor - What it needs is a fighter every broadcast to help segway between Rogan and Goldie. Please god please no Frank Mir. Jens was pretty good.
That's an interesting idea. I agree that Jens did a great job the last time he commentated at a WEC event. Although I think Kenny did fine filling in for Rogan, it'd be nice to see Jens get an opportunity to commentate the next time Rogan is out.

As far as any bias that Kenny had, c'mon now, get serious. I won't mention any names but I've heard far worse. Ideally, you want to hear as little bias as possible but what good mma commentator out there never shows any bias whatsoever? 

Wotan1105 -  The UFC would lose a shit ton of fans tomorrow if Rogan up and left.

Who do you know that watches the UFC primarily because Rogan is an announcer? I like Joe, but let's not go crazy. People would be disappointed, sure, but do you really think they'd stop watching?

trigg is better than florian

bas is the best

2buff: "Anyone remember the Akiyama/Belcher fight?"

Worst part was that Rogan was wrong.

That said, I like Rogan, even if he is annoying sometimes. What he lacks in polish and impartiality he more than makes up for in enthusiasm and game knowledge.

Mike Sanders - 
Wotan1105 -  The UFC would lose a shit ton of fans tomorrow if Rogan up and left.

Who do you know that watches the UFC primarily because Rogan is an announcer? I like Joe, but let's not go crazy. People would be disappointed, sure, but do you really think they'd stop watching?

 I don't know, I wouldn't be suprised.  Have to remember, lots of fans could just not pay for the show, and watch it later and/or somewhere else, etc..  So I do think they would see a slight drop off in numbers without Joe if he left permanently. 

UFC has lots of loyal fans (like me) who try and go out of their way to purchase each event (to support them and the sport, etc..) and something like that would turn me off for a little while.  Am probably just reading too much into it, but I love watching the UFC with Joe on it, and it would effect my purchasing at least for a little while.  He'd have to be let go or fired for that to happen, and thats not gonna happen.  If he retired that'd be another thing.

no shame in kenny's game but rogan represents to me a big part of the UFC experience, as opposed to watching mma...

Kenflo's awful performance made me realise how much I need (nohomo) Joe around

 Agreed Kenny is good, but Joe is great.