reason why florian is better than rogan

1-He's professional. He sounds the way a commentator should sound and does not try to use lame jokes that no one finds funny like Rogan. He also did not use 1 plug in of himself during the Huerta fight. I was waiting for him to say "when I fought Roger..." Shows modesty and class

2-He's enthusiastic but not over the top like Rogan who talks as if his head is going to explode. Rogan screams like a 12 year old girl whenever someone uses rubber guard. Imagine what Rogan's reaction when rubber guard actually works...

3-He's more balanced. He does not ride jock straps to the extent that Rogan does. He was equally fair in assessing the fight between Maynard and Huerta. He also didn't try to score the judge's score cards and claim that Huerta got robbed. Anyone remember the Akiyama/Belcher fight?

4-He doesn't wear 2 dollar sweaters during post fight interviews and ask stupid questions like "How does it feel losing?" Remember the Leben fight?

5-He''s a fighter!!! We need a fighter who's had experience than an arm chair general who does plug ins for 10th planet.

6-He comes off as a martial artist more than just a guy who trains bjj and muay thai. He actually knew what an uchimata was. Rogan has yet to learn at least the name of 1 judo throw or maybe he's just bias towards bjj? Instead we hear about the chilli dog position, zombie control...

Rogan jock riders in 3...2...1...

 rather hear joe than kenny

but kennys much better than tito ortiz

agreed - was like listening to an accountant commentate

I'd rather keep Kenny AND Rogan..

Get rid of Goldberg. It's seems all he ever does is misidentify grappling holds and make goofy faces at the camera.

2buff - He also did not use 1 plug in of himself during the Huerta fight. I was waiting for him to say "when I fought Roger..." Shows modesty and class

He did plug himself though... He mentioned how Huerta holds his elbows tight to his body now. Then he said he noticed it "when I fought Roger and I'm noticing it even more now"....

Kenny did a pretty good job at not sounding like he was nuthugging like Rogan does, but, I think Joes nuthuggary only comes out like that because hes an excited fan. The guy has an awesome job, and his love for it shows. I still think they should have guys like Kenny and Randy join Joe and Goldie in the box, youd have the pro commentator, the fighter, and the fan.

2-He's enthusiastic but not over the top like Rogan who talks as if his head is going to explode. Rogan screams like a 12 year old girl whenever someone uses rubber guard. Imagine what Rogan's reaction when rubber guard actually works...

Joe was asked to do the commentating, he never auditioned for the job so when he commentates he reacts like a fan would.

What it needs is a fighter every broadcast to help segway between Rogan and Goldie. Please god please no Frank Mir. Jens was pretty good.

As far as factor 2, I was stunned how biased he was. He missed almost the whole Huerta fight pretending he was winning.



I thought Kenny did a good job. With the increased UFC schedule, why not let him handle UFNs and give Rogan a night off to dance the night away with leathermen like I once read he was wont to do on a celebrity gossip site???

 Kenny actually did a really good job, but you can't be serious.  The UFC would lose a shit ton of fans tomorrow if Rogan up and left.  I can't even imagine the UFC without Rogan at this point.  He may not be the best commentator in the world but it is nice to have a genuine fan doing the show.  They should work in a third guy more, like Kenny, etc.. 

joe rogan will rule you

 Kenny is very good, but Rogan is great.

I'd rather listen to Mir than Florian. Florian is really bad.

i thought kenny was pretty biased in the huerta/maynard fight and seeing that people actually think that huerta won i'd say people fell for it

Rogan brings more energy. I was hoping Kenny would call the striking better, but I was wrong.

Listening to Rogan is like watching the fights with my best fight fan friend.

I think Rogan does better play-by-play than Goldie, so I would prefer Rogan-Florian.

But I was surprised how biased they were for Maynard. They discussed what tactics he should use to win, but not really what Huerta should do. It really sounded like they commented on an American competitor against some foreigner.